But not just cleaned it, moved it.
Everything from the living room (but the couch, TV and bookshelves) is currently in the kitchen.
That includes shelves, chairs...and the foosball table.

"Why is your foosball table in your kitchen?" one might ask.
Cause they're coming to steam clean my carpets tomorrow.
And I have nowhere else to put it.
You should see my bedroom.
Definitely sleeping on the couch tonight.
As there is nowhere to sleep in the bed.
Carter is loving this whole wide open space thing.
Like he sprawled out by the window, then five minutes later he got up and sprawled out by the door, then he was in the middle of the floor, now he's in the middle of the floor on a footstool.
It's like a whole new apartment in here.
"I had no idea I had such chatty liberal arts hair."
Watching The Makeover.
Julia Stiles is making a comeback.
She did Dexter, Silver Linings, now she's in this.
"Now let's see if we can get you to stop sounding like a pirate. Having a heart attack. While gargling."
And apparently she stars in some show called Blue.
Which I think is on YouTube.
Not like clips, like the show airs on YouTube.
Anyway, this is basically like My Fair Lady but in reverse.
Hannah Higgins, Elliot Doolittle.
Hannah runs for congress and loses. She's not likable enough. Her opponent dies after he's elected. Elliot's a beer vender who wants to become a supervisor and comes to her for speech lessons. She decides he would make a good candidate for congress.
It's highly entertaining.
Thinking 7/10 on the Scale of Awesome.
Been giving out a lot of 7's lately.
They're all good movies, just not like stellar, perfection, stunned speechless kind of stuff.
And for some reason a lot of them lately have been Lifetime movies.
Or I guess this was Hallmark, whatever.
I blame the library for having them available.
And Julia Stiles for getting me interested.
And Lauren Ambrose for getting me interested in the last one.
And before that is was Sara Rue and what's his name from Samantha Who.
That wasn't intended to rhyme.
Anyway, today was interesting.
More training.
Fixed flyers.
I'm off tomorrow and Summer Reading starts tomorrow so I figured it would probably be wise to hang up some ones for the kickoff next week.
Only took me an hour for the font to come out right.
Luckily I had already started the flyer, it just wasn't like stellar, perfection, stunning people speechless and all that.
Now it is wicked sweet.
Gotta make posters for every event.
And now I'm making them for other peoples' it's highly entertaining.
Alright, aside from that I can't really remember anything about today.
Staff meeting.
Talked about the Summer Reading Program.
All I got.
So apparently you like the quote books.
I found one that I used to carry around when I first started working in the library system - PS, right now it is officially the 24th which means I've worked at the work branch for three years. Mother Frito, Son of a Beandip - sorry, will talk about that more tomorrow cause this post, like many posts, is gonna say it's 11:50PM.
Anyway, so I ran into this one while cleaning my apartment.
Here are a few of my favorites:
Me: "He says I deserve a pizza."
Superwoman: "Crap."
Me: "That'll be me in 50 years."
Space Cadet: "But you'll use your inside voice. Unless you're too deaf to hear it."
Super Librarian Status: *on my sister-in-law calling me Pippi* "You have a lot to live up to. Just don't throw angry customers across the room."
Slim Shady: "Magnet, magnet magnet."
Oldest Sister: "Picture 'I can't run anymore I'm gonna puke!' and then running the next couple steps."
Oldest Sister: "They didn't punch a hole, they punched a crawlspace."
Nina: "Guess what I got."
Finch: "Why, are they stumped down at the clinic?"
Superwoman: "Are you free tonight? Do you have to call your mother?" ONE TIME. geez.
Supervisor: "Don't run in the library."
Kid: "I'm jogging!"
Chief from Carmen Sandiego: "If cheese isn't safe in Wisconsin nothing is safe in Wisconsin!"
Wordie: "You guys okay?"
Corey: "I have hay fever. She's hungover."
King of Useless Knowledge: "Spontaneous combustion is pretty awesome, unless it happens to you."
Mom: *about church during a holiday weekend* "I can be giddy. No one else will be there!"
Bubby: "Porkchop karate!"
Second Sister: "It's an appropriate amount of freakage."
Brother: "Just say 'oh pigeons.' Well, it's appropriate cause they're annoying as crap."
Squirt: "Lock him in the closet with a piece of cheese and a glass of water."
Brother: "We'll split the trains four ways. She can have the beer mugs."
Second Sister: "I want the Corve."
Me: "Can I have the Bird?"
Brother: "Yes, we'll flip you the bird."
Roz: "You can't swing a dead cat without hitting a Marco. I've seen the future and its name is Marco!"
Mom: "You get money when you die."
Me: "What am I supposed to do with it?
Mom: "Bury yourself."
Mom:*about a seatbelt though Second Sister likes to quote it about other things* "Get that on! I don't wanna see you hanging out!"
Me: "The doors are closed!"
Aunt Hay-Hay: "We ordered an ostrich and they had to go find one."
And then it goes on to homework notes but I'll post more of the college ones throughout this week.
For now I should sleep.
No idea what time the guys are coming tomorrow.
Probably 8AM.
I'll have my assistant set an alarm.
On to the music:
Heard this one of my way home.
Cruel to Be Kind - Nick Lowe
speaking of Julia Stiles - my favorite movie of hers - this is the scene I think of when I hear that song.
gotta love it.
gonna have to make Squirt watch it if she hasn't seen it already.
out for the night.
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