I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Play something country.

Ah the joys of Mayberry.

Went to my niece's kindergarten graduation tonight.

Ran into some former professors.

Which is amusing cause now I get to see a former professor every day at work!

Anyway, these two were two of my favorites from college.

They made the quote books frequently.

Tonight's encounter was especially amusing cause Second Sister was like, "you know her?! how do you know her?!"

Um. She taught me how to interview?

Senior year, Placement Seminar.

Resumes, fake interviews with real professionals, portfolios, etc.

Came up with life plans.

Which is actually in one of my quote books.

I used to carry these little spiral bound notebooks in my back pocket every day for four years.

Senior year's was red.

Here's the life plan that our class came up with our first week.

1. Get born.
2. Grow up - eat spinach, drink milk, stop picking your nose.
3. Go to college - pick a major your parents like.
4. Get high (dramatic pause) paying job.
5. Find a family - don't want to see them, just know they're there.
6. Buy stuff - like a motorboat.
7. Get old - purchase many anti-aging products to hide the fact that it's almost over and you've missed it.
8. Die (or leave).


There's a lot of stuff in here from that class.

"What's a Zamboni? Pasta?"

"Are we drinking before or after the interview?"
"Interview Rule #1: Celebrate After."

"Is taking a backpack to an interview normal?"
"Not unless you plan on stealing some office supplies when you leave."

"What not to have on your Facebook. What do you need to go and delete immediately after class?"

"Don't fold your resume, especially not into projectile objects."

"Nothing like spending your Friday night crying into a bag of Doritos." - that one I have in my Facebook quotes section.

A lot of mentionings of "anti-aging products and a motorboat."

I miss these quote books.

Now I just have baskets of paper slips with quotes written on them kept in no order whatsoever.

Not as cool, should bring them back.

So that was tonight. Earlier today was work.

Had another volunteer bail on me for training.

Been a rough couple of weeks to be the volunteer supervisor.

With the whole incident on Thursday and then I've got GoPo's coming in every day looking for hours cause they're due next week.

Trying to think of other stuff from today.

Opened the lab in the morning. Worked the desk through the day. Drafted some Summer Reading Event posters. Checked in lots and lots of stuff.

That's about it.

Graduation ceremony.

Kiddos were excited to ride in my car from the school to their house.

They're very cute.

Jammed at Second Sister's for a while afterward.

Now I'm back with my big fat cat watching a rerun of Wipeout.

Gotta love DVR.

Actually get to sleep in a bit tomorrow morning. Work 11-8 because we're doing an event at the zoo from like 5-7 tomorrow night.

Gonna be fun.

On to the music:

to be fair i did say i was going to post them last night.

Lovesong - Team Adam

love this song. and these people.

Play Something Country - Team Blake

i love that team blake is bringing back classic country music. not this contemporary crap.

over and out.

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