Started off with an active shooter staff meeting.
Meaning we watched a video on what to do if a shooter came into the library, then went around the entire building basement to fourth pointing out where to go if you were in those places.
It was intense, but fun since it was the entire staff. Most meetings are just Public Service and Interlibrary Loan. Sometimes members of Tech Process stop by, but that's it. This was administration - director-ess included - all the way through the aides.
Though a little freaky knowing the reason behind it. Superwoman says they classify the library as a "soft target" because it's a bunch of women and children and shooters want to go somewhere they won't be defended against by men or something.
But I guess we're not the only ones running through this stuff so it's smart.
It brought up some interesting shooter in the library stories, I guess we had this criminal run into the library to hide from police and SWAT came in with guns drawn.
Reference Queen said she looked through a window and saw everyone down on the ground.
Exciting stuff.
But that was like years and years ago.
What was really interesting though was immediately after the meeting our morning stats sucked.
Like seriously sucked.
We've started tallying individual online so you can count totals end of the day, but the morning was totally low compared to other days and the Library Judge says it was cause of the meeting, like we were too freaked to reach out to customers or something, haha.
So that set the tone for the day, I think I had like 25 stats by the end of the day, it was bad. It wasn't like I was lazy, I was up and out, though a few of those hours I spent off desk or in the backroom so I guess that limits numbers.
Plus it was Valentine's Day so it wasn't like the place was hopping.
Anyway, so that was the meeting and immediately following, MEANWHILE I realize that my phone isn't in my pocket and go completely nuts.
Cause I need my phone.
And my iPod.
In my pockets at all times.
Both of them.
Or I will go insane.
So I had to go home over lunch and get it.
Thankfully it was in the apartment, I was all freaked I had dropped it somewhere.
More post-meeting paranoia I guess.
Anyway, so got my phone, handed out my Valentine's.
Yes I brought Valentine's cause I like them and they're fun. Last year I went with Angry Birds and Fun Dip - but none of my older colleagues knew what Fun Dip was - I told that to BossLady and Boss's Boss's Boss's new Assistant and they were like WHAT?! cause who doesn't love Fun Dip, seriously? - so this year I stuck with M&M's.
And Scooby Doo.
With tattoos.
They were awesome.
I brought one to the Magician - who is my savior all the time at work, I flail to her constantly - and she was like "I haven't gotten one of these in years!"
Sad day man, gotta have Valentine's.
So I gave out mine with M&M's and then majestically found a Fun Dip in my desk from last year so I gave that to BossLady as well.
Okay so that was all in the morning, then went home for lunch to get the phone and picked up Arby's on the way back - the afternoon was pretty slow, worked the desk, shelved DVD's, had to dig through Books on CD to find new ones cause display shelves were empty, it gets to be around 5 and I realize I haven't taken a break yet so I did and I spent it putting makeup on.
Hey, don't give me that look.
I only spent my break doing it to so that I wouldn't have to wear it all day long.
So I'm not a girly girl, stop looking at me like that.
Anyway, it was good timing cause about ten minutes after that I'm back at the desk, sorting DVD's when I hear this whistle from Mentor and look up to see the boyfriend at the desk holding a bouquet of flowers.

So yeah, beet red.
And I'm sure this year was even more cause he was there in person. And then of course Queen of the Known Universe gives me crap but she's allowed cause out of everyone there she probably knows me best. So she's earned it.
But I love them, they're pretty.
The only challenge now is keeping them somewhere Carter won't eat them.
Which is a challenge, believe me.
So that was like 5:30ish, after work I meet up with him at the apartment and look over the recipe that Mom sent - and bought ingredients for so she was sure I would make it, though she forgot the vegetables so we had to go get those.
He mixed the egg, Bisquick, and milk while I did the chicken, soup and vegetables then added them together in a pan. Left it in the over for about half an hour and it actually didn't turn out too bad.
Was kinda fun, like last year when we made the lemon chicken. Might have a new tradition going.
Whilst waiting for dinner to cook we started Moonrise Kingdom.
I was actually really interesting, I give it a 7/10 on the Scale of Awesome. Bruce Willis really surprised me - I had never even heard of it 'til it crossed the desk at work, but when I saw the cover and then that he was in it I knew I had to check it out cause it just seemed like such a non-him kind of movie.
Also, I'm sensing a theme as this is the third movie we've watched that's had Frances McDormand in it. First was Promised Land, then Almost Famous and now Moonrise Kingdom. Plus I have Fargo checked out so it could be four!
Speaking of Bruce Willis movies....
dude I'm so stoked.
I watched the first one every night for like 2 months.
Granted I'd only make it through like ten minutes before I went to sleep but it literally became a routine and I still laugh.
If you haven't seen it you should go check it out, 10/10 on the Scale of Awesome.
Alright, that's enough rambling out of me. Gonna eat what's left of the leftovers and then crash.
Throwback Thursday:
One Way Or Another - Blondie
classic, reminds me of Coyote Ugly though from the comments it sounds like One Direction is coming out with a cover version.
and a new one cause it's stuck in my head.
Lucky Strike - Maroon 5
okay, so not the official video as the album just came out and they don't have one. Apparently, someone took Girls Generation's "Paparazzi" video and put Maroon 5's "Lucky Strike" over the top of it.
But the clips match the beat so it works.
and she's out.
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