I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, February 28, 2013

saw you leaning against that old record machine, saw the name of your band written on the marquee

Oh the joys of morning staff meetings.

Every year we have this thing called "inservice" where all the libraries in the system close and all the employees of all the different branches all come to the same place and we do seminars and breakout sessions and all that. I don't mind it cause I get to see all my home branch and other "we are, we are the youth of library" friends.

But apparently, this year they said screw it to the whole breakout sessions thing and we are instead going somewhere to learn about poverty. Which will be helpful, to our branch especially, but it won't feel like inservice. Cause instead of breakout sessions it's just one chick talking to us the whole day. So she better be good, or that's really gonna suck.

Anyway, for said "inservice" we have to read this book and answer these discussion questions and in this morning's meeting we went over those questions.

And Superwoman brought us donuts. Yeehaw.

It's gonna be interesting, and that's all I'm gonna say about it.

So that was this morning, after that most of the day I worked on that paperback spreadsheet mentioned in previous posts and finally got that sent off to the supervisor who works with collection management to do the ordering for the processing party that will take place in May.

Spent a lot of time at the desks, sent out reminder emails for the First Friday Art Show tomorrow, some of my teens are playing music whilst others greet guests. Should be fun. And then Saturday is the Read Across America thing at the mall. So it's a big weekend for TAB.

And me in turn, adding to that is the concert on Sunday.

Which means next week you will be overloaded with music by Maroon 5, Neon Trees and Owl City.

Get ready for it.

After work I met up with Slim Shady for supper. It was awesomeness, I pretty much tackled her in the parking lot. We ate pasta, it rocked. I have half of it in my fridge. Along with many other leftovers that I should really clean out before going shopping tomorrow.

Got to hear all about the new job, new place and the serious boyfriend. It's always amusing when it comes to boyfriend talk because we both started dating them at the same time. Funny to see how differently our relationships have progressed in the same amount of time. Granted she is older by like 2 years (used to call her Grandma scroll back a year and you'll find them) and my boyfriend has basically told me we're not getting married for like another 10 years.

I know, it was either Vegas or 10 years, should have stuck with Vegas.

Anyway, it was an excellent vent session. Which I severely needed cause I no longer have her or Fearless Leader around. Queen of the Known Universe and BossLady take the brunt of it nowadays along with the boyfriend but I don't want to scare them off so it was good to be able to talk stuff out with someone who's been there but now has outsider perspective.

If that makes sense.

And that was my day.

Oh and Carter's happy cause I got him his old food.

Cause I attempted to get him to eat different stuff but he just stared at me. So I had to go buy his regular stuff. Plus new treats.

Currently he's konked out next to me on the couch purring, I'm calling it a victory.

Moving on.

Music Rec and then the fiction.

C'mon - Ke$ha

as weird as her lyric video is the regular video version is even weirder. seriously. don't believe me go here.

Downtown - Lady Antebellum

great jam song.

On to the fiction.

In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni - Part Three

“It’s done,” I say into my watch as I exit through the back and walk to our next check point three blocks over. She’s been circling and slows down enough for me to open the door and jump in.

“Problems?” she asks looking over.

“None,” I reply, putting the briefcase down by my feet and my gun in my pocket. She turns left and heads toward our agency headquarters. After turning right five minutes later I notice, in my side mirror, a blue pickup taking a similar route.

“We’ve been compromised,” I say. She looks in her rearview mirror at the only vehicle following us down the rundown residential street. “Turn there,” I say, pointing a block ahead of us. “There’s a ramp to the freeway a block away.” She nods and turns at the corner. So do they. They pick up speed, knowing that we know.

“Why are they following us?” she looks over confused. She speeds up, starting to panic. “You did your job.”

“I’m a loose end,” I reply, opening the glove box, and reloading my gun with the ammo I find there. “Now that Noffke’s dead their person of interest will be free, but I still have all the information and can roll on them if ever caught.”

We enter the freeway and travel at full speed. She’s good, weaving in and out of traffic and losing the tail. For a while at least. They pick us up again as we exit the freeway twelve miles later and rear end us. She swerves off the road, trying to miss the black SUV in front of us. We spin ‘til the front of the mustang hits a tree, the impact setting off the airbags.

I push against the airbag and get out, pulling out my gun and crossing in front to pull her out. She’s hurt, her head hitting against the window as we spun, then slamming into the headrest from the impact of the airbag. I open her door and see four men approach from the pickup, guns out.

“Stay in the car,” I yell, firing off two shots at the two men in front, then ducking behind the open door. The girl pushes the airbag out of the way and crouches down in her seat. Retaliation shots hit the door and window causing shards of glass to land on my head. I look around the side of the door and see two men down. I hit what I shoot. Always. It’s kill or be killed in this business.

I see the German approaching me head on. He shoots twice, both missing but just barely. I step out from behind the door ready to fire but am grabbed from behind. The taller man must have gone around the car. He knocks the gun out of my hand in our struggle and everything goes black.

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