I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Friday, February 1, 2013

Public Transportation is Sexy.

That's really all I had from yesterday and it was Vegas rules anyway so I couldn't explain it.

Plus I was up 'til 3AM doing homework and then had to wake up at 8 to go to work all day so I did not get around to posting.

We took a tour of a law library that took way longer than I thought. But I learned a lot and it was interesting. And at least I finished the homework so I'm good for a few days at least.

Today was fun. Got to work at the home branch with Space Cadet so things were a little more relaxed. Except that the bookdrop was frozen shut so the maintenance dudes had to come over with a blowtorch.

So that was fun.

Anyway, after work was Trivia Night - the fundraiser for my nephew's school. We went as the cast from That 70's Show - I'm sure pictures will make Facebook. I was Donna, had my red hair and 70's shirt, the boyfriend was Foreman - appropriately enough.

Now I have the urge to watch the series. I have the majority of it - leaving out of course the last season after Topher ditches. Does he at least come back for the finale?

It was fun, 10 categories with 10 questions each plus the additional Dead or Alive and Heads of Tails between rounds. I got some random ones - you would have been proud. Jackson Pollock, Scott Joplin, Albany, The Hunger Games.

Yes, I'm aware those are random answers, but they were the ones I contributed as the majority of the questions were answered by the boyfriend, the brother and the brothers-in-law. Though this year they had an entire category dedicated to quilting - yes, quilting - and Oldest and Second Sisters took over that one. Even Favorite Sister-In-Law dominated this year. Setting the standard for next year pretty high.

There were some weird categories, I mean the usual ones of religion and around the town but then the first category was all about dogs, which we got like 8/10 so that was awesome but then that quilting thing was way weird. Glad the sisters knew what they were talking about.

Interestingly enough, last year we got hosed on the Around the Town thing because they hadn't lived there very long, and yes I went to college there but I didn't pay attention to what building an image of an anvil was on or how many clocks were in the courtyard. This year's was very very specific - and weird. Like what road is this fence on? who lives in this house? - it was the University's president WHICH I GOT RIGHT! so take that.

And I didn't even know it was his house. I just guessed cause it had to be some sort of celebrity so people would know it.

Take that!

Anyway, I think our final score was like 71 or 72. Not great but not last - actually we tied for 12th out of 30 teams so it wasn't that bad.

For as specialized as the categories were at least.

We're debating themes for next year. Possibly something 80's, maybe favorite 80's movie character - in which case I'm not sure who I'd choose. Have to do some research on that one. Some of the Star Wars movies came out in the 80's and I am a Carrie Fisher fan. Though I would avoid the bikini scene. That would just be awkward.

Oh, speaking of, so I love it (that was sarcasm) when people come up to me and say, "hey you look great, did you lose some weight?"

Cause I never know what to say.

I wasn't aware I needed to lose any and it's not like I'm trying to.

I mean I don't really eat but that's because of time constraints, not dieting.

Unless time constraints is a form of dieting.

In which case I would be on a diet.

But what do you say to that really?

Um, thanks?

Anyway, on to the music. Songs of the day:

I feel like I'm running out of music to rec, but I guess that happens after 718 posts.

Gonna have to delve deeper into the collection.

Here, try these, they're great.

The Rock Show - Blink 182

awesome jam song, random video but fitting to their style.

Kiss - Prince

heard this one and totally jammed out in the car. pretty sure the other driver's thought i was nuts. but that's fitting to my style.

and i had to post this one cause the boyfriend brought this up tonight:

Finesse Mitchell on Comedy Central - Prince

Finesse Mitchell | Myspace Video

and it always makes me laugh.

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