I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, February 7, 2013

"Pass the seaweed."

Fair warning this post will most likely last 5 minutes maximum.

It's only 11 and I've already fallen asleep twice.

Apparently getting only 3 hours of sleep is bad for your body, and can only last so long even if you did manage to cover that during the day with 3 cups of coffee and a mountain dew.

But today was worth it, there were multiple jump-up-in-the-air-and-fist-pump moments.

Starting this morning with a kickass meeting with the Library Goddess. The both of us losing our voices - but mine is always like that pre-8AM. I was waiting to get crap for it but as hers was gone too it was more amusing than anything else.

Remember that rebuttal email that I wrote last night that took me like an hour? It was worth it. Seriously. It's not to have supervisors excited about your ideas, so excited in fact that they stand up for them. So it's looking good for library golf, but the process is still in the early planning stages. A lot can change, though as long as we're not restricted to the 4th floor I'll be happy.

I still suck at Scratched vs. More Scratched, BossLady dominated again.

Oh and we had our Thursday Afternoon Meeting today for youth services talking about some Summer Readin specifics and the like. That's where the title came from, there's always some interest snacks involved with that group.

I'm back to Lie To Me. But I'm off tomorrow so I'm thinking I'll throw in People Like Us and crash yet again soon.

Excited for a day off tomorrow, sleeping in, have nothing but a meeting in the afternoon and then dinner with the boyfriend's family after. Stoked for some great Mexican food. Best leftovers ever.

What else from today?

I did manage to find something for the boyfriend for Valentine's Day, however I can't post about it but I will keep you posted as it goes.

I'm really not good at all that stuff - Valentine's Day has never been my strong point cause I've never really been excited about celebrating it.

Granted my reason was always something to the effect that I didn't have anyone worthy that I would like to celebrate it with. Which is obviously changed so now I kind of look forward to it.

But the present is cool so I hope he likes it.

Alright, that's all I got. Sleep is near. Listen to these and crash yourself.

Songs stuck in my head all day: 

and yes i'm aware i've posted these both within the past few months. didn't stop them from being in my head all day.

Scream and Shout - will.i.am & Britney Spears

except there were only parts of these songs that i sang over and over, this one being 1:10-1:13 which of course you can't sing out loud. didn't stop me from jamming to it in my head at the desk.

Keep Your Hands To Yourself - George Satellites

it was 0:29-0:33 for this one.


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