I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Sunday, February 3, 2013

"who eats pudding at ten o'clock in the morning?" "people who like pudding."

He shoots, he scores, hey goalie, you suck!

Stars won 5-1 over Des Moines.

The boyfriend and I hit up the game last night.

I was starting to get worried. The first game I went to like 10 years ago we won but every game since we've gotten hosed so I was stoked last night when we went up 3-0 by the end of the first period.

Traffic was a nightmare cause the basketball team was also playing at the same time. We ended up parking out way by the gate, but it still took forever to leave the parking lot.

So that was the highlight for yesterday, though I was amazingly productive with homework and other paperwork stuff.

And I took a nap so that was fun, oh and I started the show Lie To Me. So far I'm liking it. Saying about 8/10 but I literally have just watched 1 episode. And with some shows the pilot is rockstar quality and then the second episode is complete crap so we'll see how this one goes.

Today was fun, had the baby's birthday party, aka Second Sister's youngest.

Though my mom called me her baby today. Even though I'll be 25 in like 2 weeks.

But I will forever be her baby, apparently.

A fact that gives my siblings endless fodder, labeling me a delicate flower or a pane of glass.

But that's a longer story.

Anyway, the birthday party was fun. As the baby is just turning one she's not really into anything yet so it was all about rainbows. Second Sister's pretty creative so they were everywhere.

Many cute pictures will be added to Facebook I'm sure. And speaking of Facebook, our team picture from trivia night is now officially posted. Perhaps I shall have to add that on here once I get mine uploaded.

After the party I went out to the boyfriend's place to watch the Super Bowl.

Not really a fan of either team but I was rooting for the 49'ers. After the random power outage they really stepped up but then lost momentum right when they needed it.


I gotta say, I totally flipped out when the rest of Destiny's Child showed up during Beyonce's halftime show.

I'm a total nut for them. Or I was, go here or here.

But that was the only good thing about that halftime show.

I mean, I like her and I like her music but I like it when she actually sings her music, not just dances to it while it plays in the background.

Though as crappy as that was it's still not as bad as when the Black Eyed Peas took the stage a few years ago.

Man, they were awful live.

But I'm a fan of them too so that was depressing.

We missed the first part of the game so maybe I missed some but I wasn't all that impressed by the commercials this year. The only one I actually remember was the Kaley Cuoco one, which I guess wasn't bad but the rest just seemed dumb.

The game seemed to last a while though with that delay and the boyfriend totally fell asleep by the 4th quarter so I actually made it back to my apartment before midnight.

I know, I'm in shock.

So now it's back to Lie To Me - episode 2 is pretty good so far but I have a massively massive headache so I will be signing off now as I can't bare to stare at this screen any longer.

Music Rec before I crash:

I haven't heard this song since the last time I watched Get Smart - so like years ago - but heard it not once but twice today on my ipod. I figured it was a sign to post it.

Madonna/Justin Timberlake/Timberland - 4 Minutes

so which is it? are you out of time or do you have four minutes?

i feel like this video should have been much bigger with more effects. like when they're randomly dancing on cars. need to be explosions in the background or something.

and she's out.

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