Bats are not cute.
They're fuzzy little rabies-infested things with beady eyes that follow you when you shelve DVDs.
So, yesterday, right before opening, I grab a stack of DVD's and take them to the display shelves.
I do this almost every day.
Normally, I don't look up at the ceiling, but for some reason I did.
And there was freakin' bat hanging there staring at me.
I panicked.
A bit.
I can still see its creepy little face as it followed me as I walked back and forth.

And yes, I know I didn't post yesterday, but I was fall down, die in a corner miserable by the end of the night, and no one wants to read about that.
Besides those get deleted a day later and I find the bat story amusing.
At the time my girlish shriek and repeated yelling of my boss's name would suggest otherwise.
She thought he was cute too.
As did everyone else.
I, however, have bad experiences with winged creatures when it comes to libraries. Remember the damn bird from last year? If you missed it go here.
Bosslady called the assistant director who got the pleasure of calling animal control who showed up shortly after opening to catch the bat.
I'll have to celebrate by reading "Bats at the Library."
I was glad to have the day off today. But I got up at like 8 which is weird for me on an day off.
Went running.
I know, you had to read that line twice just to verify that I actually wrote it.
Got groceries.
Cleaned - scrubbed mirrors, sinks, litter box, not with the same cloth, vacuumed, did laundry and dishes, took out the trash.
Did homework.
After which I went out to see the boyfriend.
Got Taco Bell, I'm addicted to their Doritos tacos.
The nacho cheese.
Cool ranch chips are nasty.
Watched a movie and talked for a while.
As previously mentioned I've been a bit out of it this week but all is fixed now.
Anyway, it's late. Carter and I are gonna konk out.
Music and I'm off.
Follow Me - Uncle Kracker
used to be my favorite song and i would sing it all the time, but the memory that stands out the most is one day, between games, my old softball team sang it.
nice team building exercise.
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