I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, June 24, 2013

oh easy mac, oh easy mac, of all the cheese most lovely...

Homework finished and posted with 10 minutes to spare.

Yes, 11:49PM.

But I made it!

However, the downfall to spending my entire night doing homework is that all of my creative genius is used up.

So you should stop reading now.

I could ramble to you about open source vs. proprietary software.

But I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to read that.

Unless you're a librarian.

But probably not even then, that's the last thing we wanna read about after hours.

By the way that's like the 50th time I've spelled proprietary in a 6 hour period and I still spelled it wrong.


Have I mentioned how ready I am to be done?

Next assignment is a take home test due on the 3rd but we don't get it until Thursday.

So there goes my weekend.

Or Monday cause I think I'm off.

Speaking of Mondays, today was definitely one.

Go to work and it's fine until I go to get out of my car and there's a downpour.

Like literal downpour.

And me, underestimating the rain as usual, didn't bring a jacket so I was soaked for most of the morning.

The slow day was helpful though because I got a chance to upload my TAB master database and sort through my jars for the event on the 17th.

Which I shouldn't be worried about right now cause the book board game one comes first on the 3rd.

Though I'm guessing our numbers will be low because 1 it's the 3rd of July and 2 because teens don't use our branch as much as the others.

Cause we don't offer them anything.

I'm working on that though.

Seriously should stop reading now.

I would.

Night was boring aside from one massive moment of awesomeness.

No, not UCLA winning though I was thrilled.


Del she won tickets and invited me.

We were gonna go originally but we got distracted and then they were sold out.

But she won tickets so now we're back in the game.

In honor of the awesomeness that will be Thursday I now declare it to be She and Him week!

In which I will post my favorites by them throughout the week.

If you're not a fan then get over it.

And also, you're missing out on life cause they are just that awesome.

Okay, so my favorites in no particular order...

I Put a Spell on You

see how much of life you're missing out on?

for serious.

Why Do You Let Me Stay Here

this one is a bit morbid but i still love it. 1:02 still cracks me up.

yes, I know, I blew my whole going to bed early thing but we knew that was doomed from the start.

will soon.

after i eat my easy mac.

cause you don't really take time to eat when you're on a deadline.

i ate so much of that stuff in high school you could have called me "easy mac" and i would have answered.

whoa. mac and cheese. totally forgot - sketch and i went by "mac" and "cheese" for a while though i can't remember why.


3 guesses as to which one of us was the cheese.

if you can't get it in 3 you lack some deduction skills.

okay, now you really need to stop reading this post.

and she's out!

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