Woke up to yet another family banter session by text message.
Mom is on vacation and is sending us all these pictures of her and her friends.
Oldest Sister says that must mean that what happens in Branson doesn't stay in Branson.
To which Mom claimed she was only sharing them with us, though my brother said he forwarded all the drinking pictures to Grams.
She would love those.
Actually she probably would.
Oldest Sister tried to play the favorite. She says she has to be nice since she can't pop out a kid on Mom's birthday (like my brother's wife did) or provide her with prescription meds in her old age (like Second Sister can).
Second Sister is proud that her greatest attribute is providing prescription meds, but claims she can't pop out a kid so we shouldn't bet the farm on that.
I don't know where that leaves me.
My 17 years of private school left me with no sex education classes, but I'm pretty sure you can't just pop one out at will.
Yeah, we Lutherans don't believe in that kind of education.
The only thing that came close was a really awkward conversation with a dorm mom and my freshman roommate who danced with a box on her head to cheer me up.
Go here: Jack Harper, Tech 49
For the box story.
Not the other story.
In other news, I went to see She & Him tonight with an old library friend.
She won tickets over the radio.
We had planned to go but they were sold out by the time we got around to it.
So it was fate she called in when she did.

It was awesome!
If you weren't aware of my obsession they are in my top five favorite bands of all time.
The other four being Maroon 5, The Wreckers, Eminem and Lily Allen.
Superwoman let me off early so I could make it in time.
Tilly and The Wall opened for them.
We were a bit confused because if you see the girl in the middle in the gray dress and pink tights, she was just up there dancing and singing without a mic.
And we were like, does she get paid to be up there and dance in the middle of their show?
I want that job.
Do you think she's "Tilly" or "The Wall"?
Then we realized that she was actually tap dancing and the box she was tap dancing on was mic'd and she was basically their percussion section.
Which was awesome.
And very creative.
And they're from Omaha, and went on tour with She & Him.
Which is awesome.
Speaking of Omaha, so both bands - them and She & Him - kept yelling out "Omaha!"
...even though we were in Council Bluffs.
So, technically, Iowa.
Which was amusing.
Apparently they had the day off yesterday and spent it in Omaha.
My library friend watched their backup band play in a bar.
I wonder what it's like for celebrities to have the day off.
Like, what would you do while on tour?
Sightsee in Omaha?
So like psuedo-Rosenblatt and....
Oh, maybe they went to the zoo.
That's kind of a big thing.
The drained out Platte River.
That's all I got.
They were awesome live though.
Can't believe we were that close to them onstage, it was so cool.
They did a mix of their songs from volumes 1-3.
Plus an acapella cover of Unchained Melody.
Which was incredible.
Her backup singers were pretty great in themselves.
And you can tell the songs that they really liked because they would jump and dance and clap and hula, it was amusing.
Zooey herself was awesome.
M. didn't say much, which isn't unusual.
And their whole band was just great.
As was their opening act, I'm gonna have to buy Heavy Mood, that was awesome.
Speaking of their music, on to the music of the day.
She & Him Week continues, with the addition of 2 of my favorites from Tilly and the Wall.
Heavy Mood
the big surprise of the night, these guys really rocked. a couple questionable songs at the start but once this one came on we were all jamming.
then i went a bit nuts when they started this one
Pot Kettle Black
cause i didn't realize it was them that sang it and that they were from omaha.
yay for Drew's mixtape, good choice.
and on to a couple of my favorites from tonight.
I've Got Your Number Son
they're just really good live.
and of course the finale was epic
Sweet Darlin'
love the enthusiasm after the technical difficulties.
They sang my favorite - Why Do You Let Me Stay Here - but I've posted that one already. That's the one where she commanded us to dance.
Though we were already anyway.
And that was my day.
Met some cool people.
Concert was a huge adrenaline rush and it flew by way too fast - not gonna be able to sleep for a while. Gonna turn on X-Games.
Huzzah for DVR.
Carter has decided that he likes chips and now steals them from me.
Like, when I'm not looking he will stick his head in the bag and steal one.
If I wasn't so amazed I'd be pissed.
Freakin' cat.
and i'm out.
off tomorrow. was originally supposed to meet with my practicum manager but he had to reschedule so looks like i'm gonna be spending my day off working on that freakin' takehome test.
due on the 5th.
ps - my apartment still smells like smoke.
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