But I was actually quite productive.
Slept in, awesomeness.
Okay, so that wasn't very productive, but I got better.
Went out to lunch with Mom. Stopped by to see Grams on our way to lunch, she was having a good day so we jammed for a while.
Got chicken fried steak plus hashbrowns and eggs - is chicken-fried steak just a hick thing or do other cultures deep fry anything just because they can too? And I got a slice of pie as well, gotta love small local businesses.
Took half of it home, thinking about pulling it out now.
After lunch we went shopping for a bookcase - a big one.
Cause librarians accumulate books.
Even though you can get them for free every day you will buy them anyway.
But I have piles of them everywhere and it keeps expanding.
This one is massive and I'm proud to say I put it all together myself.
It may have taken me like 3 hours to figure out that whole cam-lock system but it's complete.
Even with Carter attempting to sabotage me.
I had to keep going into the kitchen so he'd follow me - cause when I go in there he thinks he's getting food - and get off my shelves.
Then I'd come back and he'd sit on it again.
You laugh but it's true.
Hostile takeover.

Reading Directions

Almost caved in.

Before this whole sabotage thing I went to watch my niece play softball. She struck a girl out, threw out another and stole a bunch of bases so I was proud.
I remember playing on that field - and what's funny is that I recognized all of their cheers.
It was in that moment that it all made sense - I was on that team like 15 years ago.
I mean, we were the Slammers, not the Heat, and we had difference coaches but it's the same small town team in the same league and we did all those cheers so they must have been passed down through generations.
Which made me feel old, but that's true for all my nieces and nephews.
Speaking of which, my nephew is now officially taller than me.
And his sister.
Who's also very tall.
He's so excited.
And that was my day in a nutshell.
Well, that and a foosball table.
Remember how I mentioned earlier about maybe having the parentals store it?
Mom came up with the suburban and we had to carry it down - awkwardly - the stairs.
Though that wasn't as bad as the bookcase which was heavier and longer so corners were awkward.
There, THAT was my day.
Song of the night: more classic country, Song You Know But Forgot You Knew It
for no reason whatsoever:
Any Man of Mine - Shania Twain
think this was in her top 5 for greatest hits, love it.
okay, I forgot to add that finished season one of Blood Ties.
Quote of the Day:
Chick: "What ever happened to beauty before age?"
Vicki: "Age kicked beauty's ass."
Now I have to re-order season two through ILL, huzzah!
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