I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

'til you died, 'til you died, but you're still alive!

Today was a big day of sorts.

Not like mega, but in comparison to this week it was big.

Went in early for scheduling purposes, had my TAB meeting this afternoon and then finished the day with class.

I love my teens, they're wicked awesome. Whenever I'm feeling like maybe I need a break from libraries I have a meeting with them and then I'm completely re-motivated.

Today's meeting was all about the Catching Fire party next week and our upcoming web series.

We came up with possible activities for the afterparty - thinking obstacle courses, crafty stuff, and food.

The web series was the really fun discussion. My teens have decided that they want to do a web series about our library publicizing aspects of its collection, upcoming events, and fun behind-the-scenes stuff.

We have a host - Mr. Sparkles, don't ask - so our December meeting is going to be spent coming up with a theme song and taping it, along with developing scripts and brainstorming ideas for the series.

One of my teens is really good with digital media so the videos might actually turn out pretty cool. I may even post one on here, we'll see.

I think the behind-the-scenes @ your library will be a fun place to start, but I'll have to clear it with my bosses - and coworkers - first. Then go from there to introducing areas of the collection and then talking to staff about upcoming programming.

It'll be a monthly thing and I think there should be regular segments like book reviews, guest panelists, etc. to go along with our other stuff.

A coworker thought it might be cool to have our host interview our 93-year-old volunteer about why she loves the library.

Just fun stuff like that.

I'm interested to see what they come up with for a theme song.

Especially if it has anything to do with Mr. Sparkles.

Don't ask.

You asked.

There was a craft thing and a bottle of glitter was thrown. He was covered and became Mr. Sparkles.

Actually it was Cod Sparkles but I had to nix the Cod part so his first name is currently up for debate.

Speaking of debates - the boyfriend and I talked more about our music debate this morning - the one in which we came up with no current top 40 artists we'd really like to see live - minus Karmin.

Cause something's up with radio.

But then we thought of Bruno Mars.

He wouldn't be bad. I like some of his stuff, and the clips that I've seen of him live are actually decent, which is a testament in itself cause some people are just not good live.

There's another debate going on at the moment. I want to get him something big for Xmas. Last year he got me the Maroon 5 tickets and a blu-ray player so I was thinking maybe a PS4.

He mentioned wanting one in the past, plus if other people were looking for presents for him they could get him games. But he maintains that it's too expensive.

But the thing is, I'd rather spend more money on something that he actually wants than less money on something he would lose interest in a day later.

You know?

Now, I may regret that statement later if he decides he wants to play it all the time and that's all we do.

But we'll see.

I don't know, what are you buying for Xmas this year?

And what's the best way to buy it? Online? In-store?

Anyway, so there was a lot of Xmas talk today at work. After work came my last graduate school class.

I still have homework, but tonight was my last class for my Master's program.

All that's left is an outreach project due Sunday, a collection development project due next Sunday, and then a program summary due the Sunday after that.

Plus my practicum and its reports. Right now I'm at 77/90 so I should hit 90 right at the deadline.

Oh, that reminds me, I should send him my evaluation form.

Will do that right after I post.

Class was good, we talked about intellectual freedom, and review journals.

Kind of review stuff, but it's nice to have class with your adviser cause you're able to ask her graduation questions about things like caps and gowns and all that.

I ordered mine.

It's boring black and white - or classic black and white depending on how you see the world.

I'll go with classic.

Libraries are classic.

No, they're not boring.

Take that back.

It's so strange to be at this point. When I first started the program it seemed huge, now it's almost over and I'm still like, wait, already?

Alright, on to the music:

You Oughta Know - Alanis Morissette

Okay, I'm slightly obsessed with this song. Again.

Kat brought it back full force.

Did you hear they're turning Jagged Little Pill into a musical?! Gonna be awesome.

If she were touring I would go see her.

Oo, is she touring?

i'm out. legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.

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