Slept in - excellence - then hit up the annual Volunteer Recognition Banquet.
As the volunteer supervisor I got to go set up tables, welcome the volunteers, eat fancy food, listen to speeches, then take down and get paid for it.
Our set up only took a record setting 30 minutes so we had time to take fun pictures.

Stealing that picture from one of our many fabulous Sarah's.
We have a lot of Sarah's. And Julie's. And Pat's.
Granted I can't talk, there are two of me too.
We're a goofy bunch, but lots of fun.
The food was good, my kids had fun, we took lots of pictures, I'm calling it a success.
After which I cleaned my apartment - kitchen and bathroom included.
Not sure what to do with myself now, it's almost too clean.
Don't worry, that won't last.
Along the way I bought a bunch of fun new music for my iPod (this after buying over 100 songs for Dad this past weekend. Did I mention how it's all fun and games for us kids to buy him an iPod but when you're the only one around to download them... now I come home and he has lists for me. It's wildly amusing. He even calls when it's been a while to see when I'm coming home. He used to have lists of reality TV episodes I needed to watch, now it's downloading music.)
Anyway, I went Pentatonix crazy - I love iTunes, they have everything - and then, for fun, searched the top lists and ran into this one.
This post is actually just an excuse to post this song as its my new obsession. If you haven't heard it already listen to it now, it's fantastic.
Sing - Ed Sheeran
It only took about 30 times of listening to it before I realized how much it reminds me of my favorite Rolling Stones song. One that I've posted multiple times but will post again.
Miss You - Rolling Stones
Compare and contrast, ready, go.
Didn't hear it the first time, now I can't not hear it.
Now I'm off to watch the second Hobbit. Or perhaps I should save that and watch it with the boyfriend. We skipped seeing it in theaters. Having it on DVD means I can fast forward through the boring stuff.
An option I wish I had when we saw the first one in theaters.
Is that sad?
I think it's just because I liked the trilogy so much that my expectations were high and it fell short.
I can only imagine how I'll feel after the upcoming Star Wars movie. My love for that series nearly quadruples my love for any other movie series.
Except the Mummy series that is (minus the third of course, god that was awful). And Charlie's Angels but there's only two of those. And Harry Potter. And the Hunger Games.
Maybe only triple of the Die Hard series. And the Marvel series. But other than that....
Did I mention I liked sequels?
That's all I got. Have a rockstar weekend.
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