I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Friday, November 1, 2013

"They're very good at flight attendant fingers."

"In this paper I will talk about the effects of social maturity on young adults and how it is influential in sociocultural institutions."

That's what I just wrote and realized, I never ever want to have to write lines like that ever again.

I passed comps, why can't the semester be over already?!

I think I've hit the senior slide. I'm slowly losing motivation about homework and grades. Which is interesting because the lowest grade I've gotten on a project so far in grad school is a B. The lowest class grade was an A- which killed my 4.0 GPA btw. Now it's at like 3.979 which is just mean really.

I'm ready for graduation, got my official invitation today in the mail. This weekend I'll be ordering my cap and gown.

BUT in order for all of that to happen I need to pass this class and before I can pass this class I need to finish this paper.

Maybe it's not a senior slide, maybe it's just today. I just feel dead. I don't know what it is, but all morning I was in complete zombie mode. I was so out of it that I spent my 15 minute break asleep in the periodicals area of the basement. Set my alarm so I'd wake back up, I was out immediately. Weird weird weird dreams, I'm hoping I didn't talk in my sleep. Apparently I do that, ask my former roommates. They found it wildly entertaining.

The library was as dead as I was, up until closing anyway, that's when the art show started so naturally that's when all the people showed up.

I don't know, I think I'm gonna work some more tonight, come up with a basic outline and some points and then crash. I've found my sources already it's the citation part that I'm really avoiding.

For some reason she's making us use Chicago style. Second class so far to do that but this time it's weird cause for the rest of the class it's been APA as opposed to the first class where it was Chicago the whole semester.

I hate Chicago style, it's confusing. You've got all the end notes and all that. Blah.

Like I said, ready for graduation.

Anyway, I'll do some more tonight, then crash, and then tomorrow is the wedding so I'll have all day up until then and then Sunday as well. It's not due until midnight, I've got plenty of time. Sort of. I'll figure it out.

I'm hoping ya'll are having a better day than I am.

On to the music. Here's what I'm playing in an attempt to wake myself up.

It's semi-kind-of-working.

If you're a Pitch Perfect fan then you should watch this cause it's entertaining - Acapella Boot Camp

Get your chest up Fridays.

okay, logging off before I get even more distracted.

legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.

Oh right, it's November. Today I'm thankful for....15 minute power naps.

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