So here was my Halloween.
Home branch in the morning. Wore my Nerd Herd t-shirt which the alarm guy recognized and called out.
Go Team Bartowski!
On the desk when who should make a surprise visit but the Space Cadet! After being gone a month - or more - due to injury she hobbled her way in to pick up some holds.
I got a hug, I felt special.
Apparently, due to her injury, we are no longer allowed to use the back door as that whole area is just prone for disaster.
After two hours at the home branch I went over to the work branch for another two, one of which was spent weeding our youth collection, the other was on the front desk with the Queen of the Known Universe. I had like 6 stats total. Rockstar huh? Not so much but not my fault.
Hamburger for lunch from the usual place across the street.
Off to practicum - Practicum CountUp 67:20/90 - where Mr. BossMan Tom had homemade eyeballs for treats.

Frozen grapes rolled in cherry jello powder. The strategy is to freeze the grapes so it creates condensation then roll the grapes in a pack of jello powder - you can pick the flavor - then put them in the fridge. They were awesome. He sent me home with a cup full since he had half a tupperware thing leftover.
Oh the pains of being an intern, leftover food, my life is so rough.
Practicum was good, a lot of more interest in the libraries now that we have the internet computers up and running.
After practicum I headed out to see the boyfriend which is when I checked my email and did a slightly embarrassing jump for joy. Actually it was more of a jump out of shock cause I PASSED MY COMPS!
Of course they don't give you any feedback it's just pass or fail. Which is both bad and good. Bad because I put hours and hours of work into those and I'd like to hear something, but good because if they were crap I don't want to hear, "well, they sucked but we felt bad for you so..."
One of my comrades also passed, I'm still waiting to hear back from the other. If all three of us succeed there will be drinks in our future.
Though that's probably true if the other one fails too.
All I have left is the rest of my 90 hours for Practicum and a few more assignments for Youth Services and then I'll graduate and get my Master's in Library Science at the graduation ceremony in December.
Called my mom, then the Cool Aunt since it's her fault I'm in the program in the first place, then sent out a text to the rest of the family and the Library Goddess. The consensus is good.
Second Sister called me a big stud, I wasn't sure how to respond to that.
After all that calmed down the boyfriend and I got Runza for supper - if you're not from Nebraska Google it - then watched The Skeleton Key.
That was messed up. He was shocked I'd never heard of it. I'm a fan of hers but not diehard so must have slipped by. Scale of Awesome says 5/10. I told him if it gave me nightmares it was his fault. Of course he's at work now so he's preoccupied anyway.
So I left his place and I'm almost to the interstate when suddenly this car speeds up and pulls behind me and then I see the lights turn on. I was totally confused, I had my seatbelt on, I wasn't speeding, I'm not drunk. I pulled over - on the on ramp btw not cool - and he comes up and is like, "your headlight is out."
In my head I'm like "it is not, my mechanic boyfriend has been driving this car around all night he would have noticed something like that."
Apparently not so much.
I'll take it as a compliment actually he must have just been too focused on the awesomeness that was me and missed out on the whole missing line of sight deal part thing.
Or maybe it went out after he stopped driving it.
Either way he gave me a fix-it ticket and said keep it with me in case I get pulled over again.
Me, being the sarcastic person that I am, was like okay, how many cops can I get to pull me over and give me the same ticket?
Now, there are rules to this pursuit.
First rule, don't speed. You don't want to get an additional ticket.
Second rule, remember to use your turn signal. You don't want to get an additional ticket.
Third rule, continue to wear your seatbelt. You don't want to get an additional ticket.
Fourth rule, watch the road. You don't want to get into an accident because of your effort to get a replicate ticket.
I passed tons of cops and I was getting sad cause no one was pulling me over.
There was one a few miles from where I got pulled over initially that had its lights on when I passed him but then they turned off so I think the initial patrolman actually cleared him for me.
So I'm driving and I make it to town and I'm about to turn off of the highway when I see a cop in the median - or the grass thing is it still called a median when there's grass on it and cops park on it? Anyway, I see the brake lights come on and I started to cheer.
Oh come on, you would too.
He walks up, I roll down the window and hold up the ticket. He's like, "oh. so you already know." "yep. had that conversation already tonight."
He was nice enough to let me go without running all of my information again, shortest cop-pull-over ever I'm calling it.
Now I'm back with my big fat cat about to watch some more Blacklist. It's amusing to rewatch them and then count the times you yell "Run Lizzy Run" at the screen. I'm at 5.
So there, that was my Halloween. It made up for the semi-boring days that preceded it.
And now I give you the Spell Block Tango cause I think it's amusing.
Disney plus Chicago, two of my favorite things.
and yes that is Amber Riley.
i'm out!
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