17 of them to be exact.
And got paid for it.
Best job ever.
With 2 other adult who "sacrificed" their Saturday afternoon to see it with us. Then we went back to the library after for food and games. We made homemade bows and arrows out of popsicle sticks, dental floss and q-tips - go here - played Catching Fire trivia for bragging rights - Gere won, then ate our fancy cupcakes. Half of which were gluten and soy free. And were actually pretty good.
As for the movie it was an experiment for me.
Remember how I'm a nerd?
I read Hunger Games back in college before it was popular and loved it so I was so excited about the movie but because they cut so much out - I mean, they had to it would have been hours and hours and hours long - I was sad. Anyway I was curious if I would like the movie more if I hadn't read the book and didn't notice that stuff was being cut out so I decided to test it and not read Catching Fire before seeing the movie. And it worked, I was on the edge of my seat the whole time not knowing what to expect.
Though now with that cliffhanger I'm going to read Catching Fire and Mockingjay ASAP.
I'm glad Mockingjay is being made into 2, even though that means we'll have to wait even longer. But they can include more stuff if there are 2 of them.
I'm a nerd. I'm sorry.
Anyway, the movie was great.
Scale of Awesome says 8/10.
I loved Effie in this one, she felt like a real person now instead of just a sideshow.
There were bits of humor to break up all the darkness which was good.
I really do think they have the perfect cast. Did anyone else watch Josh host SNL?
He was pretty good. The show wasn't great, but he wasn't bad.
After the movie and the afterparty I went out to eat with Second Sister and her husband. The boyfriend met us - ate half my meal but I was stuffed from the snacks that afternoon - and then we went to see Elton John perform at the new arena.
It was EPIC.
We parked like 8 blocks away to avoid mass hysteria so the walking in the freezing cold part wasn't fun but the rest of the night was awesome. He played like 27 songs - most of which were greatest hits but he also included a lot of his new stuff and a lot of his not-so-mainstream stuff.
Which was good, to mix it up.
The boyfriend predicted he'd sing Crocodile Rock last and was right.
I hate it when he's right like that, I don't know how he does it. Process of elimination I guess, it had to be something upbeat and something that everyone knew. Still, ugh.
We weren't the only ones that went, it seemed like half my workplace was there. And a bunch of family - both sides present. I was texting back and forth with everyone and waiving and then someone else would text and I'd be like, crap, who am I supposed to be waiving at?
It rocked, he played all my favorites so I was happy. Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the night.

The rest are on Facebook if you're interested.
We did have to laugh though because there was this woman in the front row that was slightly inebriated...okay, more than slightly, she was having a really good time...anyway, she kept like pointing on every major beat. And not just like pointing with her finger, she put her whole body into it. And then she was dancing and all that.
And she was right in his sight line so you know that's what he took away from the show.
Anyway, we were laughing and pointing along with her.
So woman in the turquoise shirt, whoever you are, thanks for that.
Best part was after the show when talking with Second Sister we were like, "there was this woman in the front-" "in the turquoise shirt?!" "yes!" and then today at work I brought it up to the New Guy who also noticed her dancing and was laughing about it as well. I'll have to ask Superwoman, Library Judge, and the Cool Aunt if they noticed her as they were there as well.
She should go on tour with him.
So that was yesterday. Today was work - slow but alright. And tomorrow I'm off so I'm in celebration mode. Gonna sleep in and attempt some homework. Only 2 more assignments and 1 more day of the internship left before I get my Master's.
Pure madness.
Songs of the weekend: My favorites from last night
Tiny Dancer
Sad Songs Say So Much
I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues
Bennie and the Jets
Rocket Man
Crocodile Rock
our section was so offkey - not me! - but it was so much fun...
He threw in so much improv before and after, it was awesome. He's crazy talented.
Looking forward to seeing Cher in May. Huzzah.
Legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
"Any last advice?" "Stay alive."
and i think it's gonna be a long long time.
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