I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Saturday, November 17, 2012

What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas: Day Two

I won't say what time it actually is, though the stoplights were flashing by the time I left the boyfriend's place. For those of you not familiar with small towns their stoplights - or stoplight singular if you're g-town, though I don't think they do this - start to blink so you can fly through them instead of waiting. Just gotta check both ways.

:: Belgian Waffles at Terrace Point
-There's a difference between Los Vegas cold and Nebraska cold. For instance we went to breakfast at this awesome place called Terrace Point at the hotel and the boyfriend was in jeans in a t-shirt so when we asked if we could sit outside the lady went "are you sure?" We walked outside and it was like 60 degrees. That's like paradise for November in Nebraska.

I had Belgian waffles, well one - see here is where a pattern started. I would order food and eat like a third then he would eat his entire meal then finish mine. It was nice to eat outside and actually amusing cause there were birds everywhere stealing sugar packets three at a time.

:: "First off awesome sign, secondly what the hell are you doing in that department?"
- Day two we split up and did our own stuff. The boys went to car museums and slowly got addicted to craps while the girls went shopping. Well, most of the girls shopped. I bought makeup - yes makeup - and then took pictures all over Caesar's Palace. The makeup was enough for me. Apparently, according to Vegas rules you're supposed to do something you wouldn't normally do. As I don't buy makeup, like ever, apparently that was my thing. Well, there were more things, but I'll get there. My downfall was sending a picture of a sign I found to Juwanna cause it had her name on it, BUT there was makeup in the background so I knew I was screwed.

Even worse I got stuck trying Justin Bieber's perfume cause Oldest Sister's arms were already covered with other sampled. "why do I have to sacrifice?!"

As drama-filled as that part was, there was even more when it came to purse shopping. Not for me, thankfully. But Oldest Sister decided to get Squirt a purse for Christmas. Don't worry, she knows. But, which purse? After working with the saleswoman for like 20 minutes she then sent a bunch of texts and phonecalls back and forth with Squirt deciding which one.

MEANWHILE I get a call from my dorm mom, "What are you doing in Denver?!" Cause we're friends on Facebook and I mentioned landing there in a snowstorm. She was in Denver, I was not.

After the purse was picked I took a bunch of pictures of an awesome Greek figured fountain - Zeus, Poseidon, Athena, all that - while they looked at shoes, jeans, other girlish stuff.

:: "Let's play war, Asians are wild."
- It seemed like everywhere we went on the strip there were people handing out hooker cards. Apparently that's legal there - and if I wasn't aware by the many cards I'd collected by the end of the week there were buses that traveled up and down the strip constantly was pictures of them on the side of it. We were curious if they were actually in the bus because every once in a while they'd flip a u-turn and speed off. Anyway, but they would snap the cards and hand them out on corners. Apparently Kayla had a quality to her so while the rest of the women avoided it, she had a bunch of them shoved in her direction. The boys were enjoying this and built up quite the collection.

:: Down the strip
- While everyone else went out for sushi the boyfriend and I walked down the strip to see the sights and take some pictures. I really wanted to hit up the Luxor cause I'm such a nerd for ancient Egypt. The first minute we were there we were already getting the sales pitch that if we signed up that day and put down some money we could stay at their new building for free - well, basically - and while it was awesome I don't think we'll be going back in the next year. But it was amusing cause after we heard her schpeel another chick approached us and then later she attempted to approach us again, saw it was us and stopped talking.

On the way to the Luxor we met some interesting characters such as Chewbacca - oh and earlier Kayla, Oldest Sister and I walked passed someone in a Hello Kitty suit but Kayla decided it looked more like Hello Dirty Kitty cause the suit was gross - and a rapper named LOVE. She's from Texas and Nevada and all over. I bought her CD - she signed it and everything - she told me to bootleg it to get the word out. I still have yet to listen to it - though King of Useless Knowledge bought one on Fremont Street.

Oh, and I played a Mummy slots game at the Luxor, though it wasn't as good since the machine had Maria Bello on it and not Rachel Weisz. Just not the same.

:: Fremont Street
- Fremont Street is basically the old Vegas strip. It's sweet, like a third of the size of the new strip, well more like a fourth, with a giant TV screen taking up the entire ceiling. Lots of cheap gambling. I finally tried out some slots while the boyfriend played roulette. I made 24 bucks on the slots and 50 on roulette but since the boyfriend wanted to keep gambling I blew it all on roulette. It was amusing though, he was sitting at the same table for over an hour, I was in for one play and got the 50 bucks. After all that we jumped in a cab, got back and crashed.

Song of that day:

Single Ladies - Beyonce

played while we were shopping Sephora.

remind me to post about the QofA meeting the boyfriend, "in your face" "on your shoes!" and hazmat suits later when i do a summary post of the after vegas effect.

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