I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Friday, November 2, 2012

"What are you going to type into Google, 'what's a smart-sounding word for nose hair?'"

So, I probably should have stayed late at work tonight to help out with the exhibition. Especially since I trained half the staff on the book. And can spout it front to back. Which is why it drives me nuts that the artwork on the displays is out of order, but that's another story.

But I came home instead because I have class tomorrow and I needed to finish up some homework before I crash and burn EARLY.

Cause I leave the apartment at 6:30 tomorrow morning. Which bites the big one, but it'll be okay. I think I'm eating with Smo after class and then there's the game.

Get to scream loud at the TV.

I hope they will be good screams, but you never know about underdogs.

Anyway, it's my last official Info Tech class tomorrow cause we're not meeting in December. And my teacher won't be there so we have a sub, bummer. But I still gotta be there early all coherent or fake coherent anyway.

Can you fake coherency?

I feel like I do that all the time.

Anyway, so yesterday sucked. Hence the no post. I've found it's better not to post if you have no positive things to talk about. And I really didn't.

Except the phone conversation I had with Sketch as we, well she, watched the CMA awards. I was mostly cleaning, doing laundry, making supper, doing homework, etc but it was on in the background.

Sketch is like country to the bone.

If that was a thing.

So she knows all the singers and the songs and all that. And usually I'm pretty good about this stuff but apparently I'm super behind on new country artists. Even after the conversation I was texting her, "who's that dude? is he really this bad or just live?"

He's knew I'm sure he'll get better.

But I love Blake and Miranda so I was excited that they won.

"and reba, cause she's sitting there looking at me..."

I was surprised that Taylor didn't win for the third year especially since RED is so huge and all that. Next year.

I was amused that it was her and like 5 dudes up as nominees. She rocks it.

Sketch is not a fan.

So I texted her when she got a standing ovation after her performance.

She was not amused.

Anyway, so that was really all from yesterday that I'm going to repeat. Today was much better.

Remember the artwork project thing that I had with my teens a couple weeks ago where we made posters and bookmarks and all that?

Today I had the pleasure of laminating - well, watching as Kathy laminated - all of the bookmarks and then got to cut each of them out - that was all me.

And there were like 50 so that was fun.

But the kids are excited about them and they all want their own so I had to make copies and whatever. Anyway, on one of them is this list of smart sounding words.

Which is really my fault cause there are four on a sheet and I'm not artistic - ask Sketch - so I was like, "what are some smart sounding words?" and they yelled a bunch out.

I gotta say, those teens make me look like an idiot.

And it's not just me.

I showed the bookmarks to a few of my bosses, they totally had to get on Google to figure out what half of the words meant.

One supervisor in particular *cough*Superwoman*cough* was dead set that this one word meant nose hair but it was actually like the smell of rain on the ground or I don't remember, something about rain. I'll look it up later.

But she thought it meant nose hair so that meant that there must be a similar word in existence that meant nose hair so she got on Google and I was like, "what are you going to type into Google? 'what's a smart sounding word for nose hair?!'"

Anyway, they attempted to guess the other words and were way off as well.

I mean, we got pantophobia from Charlie Brown, but the rest of them were like, um, maybe I should have looked these up before writing and then laminating them.

Didn't want to put anything inappropriate out there.

Not that they would cause they're good teens.

So that was amusing.

And really that was the highlight of the day, aside getting a comic from the Library Judge - formerly known as John Boy - because he creates them, every 20 years or so, and got them in the mail today. So I bought one cause he gave me the first one for free last year.

Gave him a dollar donation for his cause.

So that was my day in a nutshell.

Well, that and 9 hours of public service work.

But tomorrow I'm off - for class so it's not really off - and then Sunday I'm off - for class so it's not really off - so I'm not officially back at work until Monday morning so I had to send out all my email reminders before I left.

Got a TAB meeting next week and a bunch of new volunteers coming in for training. Should be interesting.

Alright, I'm out early.

Yes, it is actually pre-10:30 and a holy crap tag will be used. But did I mention I have to leave my apartment at 6:30 tomorrow?

For some of you readers I'm sure you think that 6:30 is sleeping in but let me tell you, 6:30? Definitely not sleeping in.

To me at least.

That's like super early and I need like 5 gallons of coffee to keep both eyes awake on the interstate.

Which is weird, because the middle of the night I can drive anywhere perfectly awake. It's the mornings that suck.

Oh well, I've got Carrie Fisher.

Not like actual human, breathing Carrie Fisher, but audio Carrie Fisher.

Listening to Shockaholic. I figured I liked Wishful Drinking so I should give this one a shot.

She's highly entertaining.

Know what else is highly entertaining?


Which I will do soon after this post.

But first I gotta find some music.

Not sure what to post.

Ipod on shuffle..........drumroll


Turning Japanese - The Vapors

do people avoid him like a "cyclone ranger" or a "psyched lone ranger"?

this song reminds me of Charlie's Angels.

OH, apparently BossLady loves The Mummy.

sorry, two of my favorites. Apparently it was her go to sleep at night movie.

I told her it was mine as well.

My mother is still tired of it 10 years later and says, "again?" whenever she catches me watching it.

Sadly I can quote that back to front as well.

Along with its sequel.


(but not the third cause it's awful and i refuse to watch it. i've seen it twice and that's enough. ask sketch about the voicemail i left her immediately following.)

Like, at one point in The Mummy Returns Rachel Weisz waves this torch back and forth so many times in a row cause she's exiting a dream sequence and I can do it with my hand in the same pattern and exact same times as she does it without even turning on the TV.

funny story?


So can BossLady.

We totally did it at the desk today.

Did I mention my bosses are cooler than your bosses?

OH! and another thing, okay maybe this will be another fake 11:50 post, apparently one of our crazy patrons is actually a crazy psychokiller.

Which just makes our life that more exciting.

More on that later.

OH RIGHT! So, I finally am tied with my mother on the point system at 150. Superwoman gave Mom 150 points cause she sent an email with an attachment.

After I taught her how to do it.

Because she gave Space Cadet 150 points for doing it earlier.

After I taught HER how to do it.

I think she thinks that giving them points will motivate me to like do stuff to get points like be professional and all that.

Blah, what a mean boss. Making me actually earn something with work.

I need to shutup or I won't stop.

This is what happens when I skip a day.

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