I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Mitt-Bama Style

Okay, thing I forgot to mention in yesterday's post?

I listened to Mitt Romney Style whilst voting for Mitt Romney.

I'm aware that the song is supposed to deter people from voting for him, but I totally jammed to it whilst filling in the circles anyway.

For those of you who have yet to watch it....


Then go here:

this is by far my favorite video of the moment.

had to buy the song on itunes cause it was stuck in my head after watching it like 20 times.
notice all the references?

go behind the scenes here:

Mitt Romney Style is much more catchy than Obama Style:

yeah, no.

while not as impressive as that one attempted to be these actors could totally pass for obama and michelle

yeah, that's mostly dancing and that's all. but they're dead on appearance-wise.

okay, i take it back, this one's pretty good

hey, romney's shady.

I don't remember what I was actually going to talk about today. Had 3 go-po volunteers come in at the same time for training. That was interesting. What else? Um, oh, finished two major homework assignments. Which means I can actually take time to pack for Vegas either tomorrow or Friday. Depending on which night Oldest Sister is taking me shopping. For clothes to wear to Vegas. And then we'll buy more in Vegas. But I don't plan on gambling excessively so I should be fine. I mean, I will, just attempt to keep it under a hundred.

Alright, that's all I got for today. Glad I'm done with the assignments. Just gotta post to a discussion board later and that's it for the ones due before Vegas.

And you got the song, well songs, of the week so I'm out.

Notice the lack of Voice ramblings? Not really impressed with the artists on either of these teams aside from Trevin, Adriana and Mackenzie. Oh well, another episode tomorrow.

Vegas countdown 3 days and counting.


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