I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Stupid SpongeRobert, get in the hole!

This weekend was huge.

I'm exhausted.

I feel old.

Though I was told this morning by my nephew that since I'm not married I'm not a grown up.

So I've got that going for me.

We asked him what about Laverna - my 96-year-old great aunt - cause she's not married and he says that she must not be a grown up either.

Okay so yesterday was Tee it up for Tuition the annual golf tournament fundraiser for my old high school. 2G dominated.

This year we were at a different course with almost double the amount of teams.

Which is both good and bad.

It's good because it means more money for the school but bad because it means we had to wait at each and every hole.

And when we get stuck waiting Pastor gets bored and hits balls into cornfields.

Which is why I brought my bag full of throwaways.


I, myself, stuck with my colored balls.

I hate Spongebob with a passion so I enjoy smacking the crap out of the ones with his face on them.

And hit one into a water hazard on purpose to send him back to his stupid pineapple under the sea.

I started with a box of 8 I finished with 2.

We par-red out. We were one up at one point and then the last whole put us even.

It was a lot of fun. We're really goofy and not really in it to win it - mostly because the winning team this year golfed a 15 under par. So yeah, a bit off of that. We just want to beat Hillman.

That is literally our only goal and this year we tied him.

Since we are the loudest and goofiest ones there this is what you may have overheard if you were present.

Quotes of the Day:

"Now you know what it's like to ride in a cart with her."
"Hey, I didn't throw you out last year."

"Here's your snake cake."

"Fly by the seat of your phone."

"Blow a gasket if you have to!"
"I didn't know I had one but I will."


"The guy with the girl name."

"Thanksgiving! Lutheran Church. We need more exclamation points at our church."


This is our 4th year though year 1 was before I started the blog so I only have years 2: Our Drinking Team Has a Golfing Problem and 3: Bob of Sponge, Won't You Come? Won't You Come?

As you can see not much has changed.

The new course was nice, but not so nice was the fight that broke out over dinner - seriously? between one of the golfers on the other team and a random drunk dude - the long wait for prizes and then the 2 hour drive back.

So we're saying, move it back! Move it back!

Or closer at least.

Or start it earlier. 2 is way too late, because of all the waiting we didn't get back to the clubhouse until 7:15. Dinner didn't get over until 8, we left halfway through the prizes - mostly because there was nothing good left but also because it was 8:30 and we had a 2 hour drive left.

If they started at 9 we could just do an lunch eating thing and it would be much cooler.

I'd be in for that.

We'll see if they think it went well as it is ultimately their decision.

So that was golf.

Today was softball.

I love playing with "Who's Steve?" We're like a dysfunctional family but it works for us.

We put the fun in dysfunctional.

We've been playing together so long that we don't even worry about assigning positions cause we play the same spots every year.

Batting order we switch up though.

The batting order 5 years ago is where our name originated. In case you were wondering why someone would name their team "Who's Steve?"

Pastor was new and his wife - who also plays - wrote up the order. Since she calls him by his actual name and not "Pastor" she wrote "Steve". When Becky was reading off the list she was like "Mike, Becky, Steve - Who's Steve?" "Um, Pastor." And it stuck.

Now we're gonna have team t-shirts made. And they're gonna be awesome.

This is just a warmup for our fall season so we don't really care that we lost.

I don't know what happened, we started off really strong but came up short.

Couple of errors but really the other team was just as good. Lot of back and forth.

But that's okay, we'll get revenge on labor day as they will be on our turf.

Huzzah for the 2nd Annual WELS Softball Area Tournament.

They came last year as well, Unhook the Plow, we lost the first but smashed them down like the hand of God in the second so it evened out. Then called ourselves the Champions cause we could.

We should get a trophy for this year.

Remind me of that closer to the tournament.

Anyway, it was a lot of fun, I like playing with my brother and the rest of the crazy gang.

As is tradition I slid and broke open my leg. Not as bad as previous years - and at least this year's slide was intentional, as opposed to last year's...I don't even know what to call it - read the link above for the description of that slow motion fluke.

So I got my leg all wrapped up in my gauze pads that I have in bulk cause I know I'll need them each and every year whether intentional or not so intentional.

And my big fat cat is staring at me saying, hey, it's time for sleep so guess I should stop rambling and put the laptop down so he can fall asleep on my stomach as usual.

Songs of the Weekend:

Black Hold Sun - Soundgarden

cause I always sing "Bob of sponge, won't you come?" when I golf.

Raise Your Glass - Pink

i'm posting this version because i like watching michelle pfeiffer's character attempt to dance.


it took me until this exact moment to realize that they were in hairspray together.


to be fair her character in that was the polar opposite of her character in this.

and i don't really pay attention to his credits.

though he does have some nice dance moves.

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