I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Dancing slowly in an empty room, can the lonely take the place of you?

I'm instituting a new segment to the blog.

It's called the Practicum Countdown.

Today's number is 5/90.

I guess that's more of a Count-up.

I have 85 hours left to go that must be completed by December 1st.

Hit the ground running...

Okay let's go with Count-up, I like that better.

Today was fun. 9-1 at the work branch - nothing super memorable aka bats on the ceiling, crazy stalker patrons, fire drills, etc.

Worked the desk, checked in, worked the desk some more and then ate lunch and headed over for my first official day of Practicum.

2-5 but he let me count my interview and research hours from yesterday so I'm up to 5, huzzah!

Mr. Bossman Tom gave me a tour of campus - there are three main buildings I'll be working out of. The main library and then we're setting up remote libraries in the mens' and womens' buildings for those who aren't allowed to leave those buildings.

After the tour we sorted and stamped books.

Every single stamp all I could think of was this:

Indiana Jones - the good one.

I know, I'm such a nerd.

But you knew that already and you're still here so....

Anyway, we stamped mega amounts of books. Mostly fiction but it's a work in progress. These were all from the booksale our library hosted last year and there were like 10 boxes of them. No, probably more, more like 15.

But it was good cause it gave me stuff to do for hours.

Basically we divided what was going to go in the womens' and what was going in the mens'. And then he had special stamps for each.

The maintenance staff has volunteered to deliver the boxes to the buildings - yay golf carts - and then Thursday we get to spend sorting and shelving.

Meanwhile we'll be coming up with lists for subject headings we've included and stuff we're short on.

I'm so excited, I'm such a nerd.

But again, you knew that.

It's a lot of fun, starting a library from scratch. And he mentioned going to the booksale again this year so we'll get even more to add to the collection.

Speaking of items in the collection, I discovered this one today and was super excited.

Keep the whole nerd thing in mind.

"William Shakespeare's Star Wars" by Ian Doescher go here: If Shakespeare Had Written Star Wars It might have looked a bit like this.

Yay Buzzfeed.

Totally putting that one on hold for myself. Shakespeare + Star Wars = How can you go wrong?

OH! And Mr. Bossman Tom took my side and chose Star Wars over Trek so I like him even more.

I'm feeling better about the practicum now that the first day is over. I was nervous before, but not so much anymore. Once we get the collections sorted out I get to man the desk every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon until December so I should pick up a lot of hours through the next couple months.

I was told today by two different people - Queen of the Known Universe and The Cool Aunt - that I shouldn't say "man the desk" as I am not a man. QoftKU says I should use "staff the desk" but I'm going with the Cool Aunt who said I should say "woman the desk" cause I find it amusing. And true.

After the stamping of awesomeness I met up with The Cool Aunt for some jalapeno margaritas.

I know you're all jealous. Well, the majority of you were on Facebook at least. Though Slim Shady is still not a fan of them. Missing out on life woman, missing out on life.

Dinner was good, though she wouldn't let me pay!

"You said last time I could pay this time."
"I know, I lied."


You should see her and Mom duke it out whenever they go out for lunch, it's highly entertaining.

I don't even try, though I was successful the one time when Mom left her wallet at the store and The Cool Aunt was too distracted by ice cream to grab the check before me.

Take that!

Both had our fajitas. We don't even look at the menu anymore, it's always just jalapeno margaritas, veggie fajita for her and steak fajita for me.

Half of which is in my fridge. I'm sure I'll pull it out around 3AM.

Was good to catch up as we haven't done that in a while.

Our next dinner will take place after comps - I'm also not allowed to say "if I pass comps" according to her and Superwoman it's "when I pass comps".

We shall see.

Am I the only one who has absolutely no desire to watch the show Deal With It? Not a Howie Mandel fan in the first place, but that's just weird.

Sorry. TV on in background. It was Wipeout but it's not anymore. Oh Conan.

I enjoy this segment.

Yay Neal Offerman.

Alright, on to the music.

Uprising - Muse

you have no idea how many times I had this blasting in my headphones today. at least 20. if you listen to it you'll understand why. it's just that awesome.

but i was the same way on my first day of work with Shinedown's Second Chance, go here.

the name is matt bellamy. not what's-her-name's boyfriend.

The Lonely - Christina Perri

super cool lyric video to a great song.

and i'm out. back to work tomorrow. along with my first online class session.

legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.

they will not control us, we will be victorious.

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