I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Friday, August 16, 2013

They call me The Wanderer, yeah The Wanderer

So...I spent the day attempting to not flip people off.

Not because I was mad, but because I stabbed myself in the middle finger around 3AM last night - apparently I should stay out of the kitchen when I'm half asleep, or not asleep whatsoever - and I'm sporting so many bandaids that it won't bend properly.

Now I'm all queasy so I don't want to look at it...I'm just gonna assume it's fine.

I'm still walking and breathing so it can't be that bad.

Today was good.

Worked 9-1, took a nap, went out to dinner with the sisters, came back with a box of leftovers.

We had fun, but we always fun.

Quotes of the night:

-"Gazinta" was our family the only family subjected to this word on a regular basis? It means thing. But you can't come up with a name for the thing, so instead of just calling it a thing it's a "gazinta".

-"Why would I have a knife?"
-"Well, why would you have worms?"

-"They probably took them down cause they got tired of explaining 'ferticula'."

Second Sister says she never gets "quote of the day" but she had some good ones tonight. Though some I can't include.

All I got for tonight. It's back to work tomorrow and then hopefully date night with the boyfriend.

Enjoying one of my last nights without homework by catching up on some Wipeout.

Classes start up again Monday. Thankfully I'm really only taking one - I mean, I'm registered for two but one of them is the practicum so the only real homework with that is just the actual hours on site and then the papers due at the end of each month.

Youth Services is my main class this semester. It's one of those "choose your path" classes where you pick a focus of either teens or youth. I will go with teens as I work with them more often and could actually apply what I learn.

I'm not going to think about October. October and comprehensive exams don't exist on my radar until October starts. And even then it's like the third week.

Plus I got my comrade who's taking them the same time. We'll meet up for coffee and go over sources. Which is allowed. As long as we don't write the papers together.

That makes me freak out about it less.

Okay, off to bed. Should enjoy this whole sleep before midnight thing while I can.

Hope you had a good one.

Song of the Day:

The Wanderer - Dion


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