I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Where the hell is Matt?

Okay, so this is a nightly occurrence and it still makes me laugh.

It'll be late and I'll be distracted and not realize what time it is cause I'm watching TV or reading or whatever, and suddenly Carter will come, sit on my lap and just stare at me.

Like a hostile takeover.

And I just know that he's saying Do you realize what time it is? Why aren't we sleeping? in that Garfield voice.

He did that about an hour ago, but I was enjoying Hollywood Gamenight on my DVR so I finished the episode while he fell asleep on my lap.

Then, when I actually made an effort to get up and get ready for bed he was mad cause he had already given up on me and fell asleep.

Now he's sitting on his side of the couch giving me the dirty look so I'm gonna make this quick.

Today was cool.

Am liking these half and half days.

Spent 4 hours at the work branch - nothing too exciting - took a lunch break and then headed over to see Mr. Bossman Tom for my practicum where we sorted and stamped even more books.

And uncovered bookshelves to pilfer, huzzah!

Practicum Count-up 8/90

He gave me a tour of the main building we're in - when we needed a break from all the stamping - so I got to check out the canteen and the break room and the tunnels that connect all the buildings.

There was some seriously cool artwork down there.

And on my way out he showed me this video and told me to share it with friends.

So I'm doing more than that and sharing it with the world because I like it.

Where the hell is Matt? the 2012 version

So you should all watch it because I think it's kind of awesome and unique...and c'mon it's dancing all over the world people.

I was informed that the ones where the faces were blurred out are places that dancing is not allowed.

That's right, it's like Bomont all the time.

You're welcome, people who get that reference.

If not look it up.

After the practicum I met up with the boyfriend in his favorite hardware store. He fixed his sister's car then we went out to eat.

Huzzah for greek salads! half of which is in my fridge.

Then he headed back to go to work and I watched Hollywood Gamenight and now have moved on to Wipeout.

I know, I know, but it's filling up my DVR so I have to watch it.

Besides, I love it.

"Life's a beach and then you dive."

Ah Henson, okay I'm out.

That was your music and clip of the night rec. I hope you all enjoy your weekend. Mine starts tomorrow cause I have the day off and am spending it sleeping in, shopping with Oldest Sister and then date night with the boyfriend.

Don't call me before 10AM!


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