I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Saturday, January 26, 2013

"That sounds like an 80's acronym."

It all started with a conversation about stereotypes.

I'm pretty sure I'm turning into that librarian that makes people look at pictures of her cat. Cause the percentage of pictures I've uploaded on Facebook so far in 2013 is like 75% with cat, 25% not with cat.

And it's not like 100 pictures, it's like 5 so don't give me that look.

But he's cute and fluffy and sleeps all the time all over the place and I find it amusing when he sleeps next to McDermott the furby.

That he still hates, by the way.

Though I'm not its biggest fan when it turns on at 2AM just to ramble about being hungry or wanting to dance.

Anyway, so I said I'm turning into the stereotype cause I have a cat and I drink green tea to which BossLady asked if that means librarians are supposed to be hippies and that she composts - and she's quite proud of her compost - so then we got into this whole discussion about what goes into compost and how you're supposed to water your plants at night because the water evaporates during the day.

Then I asked her if she was one of those water police people who yells at you if you leave the faucet running whilst brushing your teeth to which she said she was and apparently in grade school they had this whole seminar on SWA SWA.

Which apparently stands for Save Water And Save Water Again.

Glad I wasn't drinking any water at the time cause there would have been multiple spit takes.

But SWA SWA had a salute and everything so from now on BossLady will be greeted with one cause I find it highly amusing.

Quote of the day:

"I loved growing up in the 80's"
"I grew up in the 80's"
"You were born in the 80's"

Then somehow we got on the subject of the farmhouse - oh I said Mom used to have a garden but then Dad put a building over the top of it. And she asked if we had a quanset to which I replied yes and I was stupid enough to have climbed to the top of it when snow had drifted that high.

Mom flipped, Dad went inside and got the camera.

So then the conversation shifted to how I was a brave kid, or an idiot kid, cause a few years before that was the running over to my grandparents house incident when I was like 3 or 4, barefoot on the gravel in the dark.

But it was at the scary part of the movie and I couldn't find my parents so I ran the half a mile to the safety of Grandpa's house and he drove me home and Mom and Dad didn't even realize I was gone!

To be fair they were helping Second Sister clean out a bin.

And you have to tag team those, you don't want to get hosed by the auger.

So I could blame my earliest memory on her but I kind of like her so I'll just call myself brave and be done with it.

And really that was the highlight of today. Everything else was pretty slow. Aside from the creepers everywhere, on the phone, in person, all that.

Blah magnet.

Well, the highlight of work anyway. I did a lot of homework tonight so I'm basically done until after the library visits this week.

Oh yeah, this week is gonna kick my butt.

Comps review Monday, special library tour Wednesday with homework to follow it, special library tour Thursday with homework to follow it, and then Trivia Night on Friday and I still haven't found anything to wear for Donna. I'm gonna have to look up some pictures of her in character and see if I have anything to cover.

Unless anybody has any fun 70's clothes they'd be willing to let me borrow for a night.

Anyway, I'm hoping to see the boyfriend either tomorrow or Tuesday, or both, so the other homework assignment that's due on Saturday I'll be doing throughout the week. Tonight's took far longer than it should have.

I hate coming up with smart people questions cause I always feel dumb.

Plus I'm an English major so phrasing gets to me and I start writing one question, changing it 50 times and then an hour later I change it back to how it originally was - which was fine I just was overanalyzing.

But it's homework and apparently I'm a perfectionist.

Anyway, it's late and I need to sleep. Carter is already decked out beside me.

Don't worry, I won't drown you in pictures. I'll save it for Facebook.

Though he is pretty cute.

Alright, on to the music so I can sleep.

Runaround Sue - Dion and the Belmonts

i used to sing this to my high school roommate.

not because she ran around, but because that was her name.

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