I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, January 24, 2013

love was just a stage name, watch it as it became

I'm curious about the person who got to my blog by searching for "horse and cow captions".

But I guess this is supposed to be my life in closed captions.

And I've seen horses and cows.

So they are part of my life in closed captions.

Almost as good as the time they landed here after looking up "exploded babysitter" - I went through an All That phase - or "O Lord of Light" and ended up with 2G's version of O Lord of Light.

The majority of the people find me through movie quotes, a lot of Pitch Perfect, Avengers, the last Harry Potter was the first big one. Everyone kept searching for McGonagall's "I always wanted to use that spell" and ended up here.

Geez, that was a while ago. Summer 2011, but I've had this thing for a long time. The first official entry was on Remember Remember the 5th of November.

The 2010 edition.

You'd think since I've been doing it this long - today's being my 713th post - I would know what to say and how to say it.

Nope, still clueless.

So let's focus on today.

Today was good, much better than yesterday. Charmed helped. Much to Sensei's amusement I'm sure.

Did a lot of updates to the TAB website, got free food for lunch from the bosses as a thanks for training new employees - we got props because they officially work at a different branch but we trained them cause we had the staff numbers to do it - jammed with my Trainee for most of the day and last hour of the day was spent in the circ workroom checking in 8 carts.

Challenge conquered.

So it was a good day at work.

After work headed out to the boyfriend's place. We watched Coming to America cause he and his best friend quote it ALL THE TIME and I had no idea what they were talking about.

He loves it and it's actually quite amusing. Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall shine through - I could barely recognize them in their different disguises. Except for that chick in the nightclub, that was definitely Arsenio Hall hitting on Arsenio Hall. Even IMDb lists her as "Extrememly Ugly Girl".

Eddie's still got it though. While Norbit turned into more of a horror movie than a comedy his Shrek stuff is great and he was a pretty funny criminal in Tower Heist.

Slide: A robbery can change very quickly. You have to be ready to adapt to the situation at any moment. Anything can happen. I was on a job a few days ago and my homie got shot in the face!
Kovacs: If you get shot in the face, it's over.
Slide: If you get shot in your HEAD, it's over. If you get shot in your FACE, the bullet will go through your cheek and come out the other side! Then, what you gonna do?
Cole Howard: Die! We're all gonna die!

So excited for a day off tomorrow. Getting my hair chopped, but not like chopped chopped cause I could never pull that off.

I think last time I got 6 inches cut off and it was still long.

But that's not 'til the afternoon, in the meantime I'm sleeping in! Well, the farmhouse version of sleeping in which means whatever time Dad decides I should be up or when Mom starts to worry that I'm dead or something.

Anyway, gonna do some more editing, konk out and get back at ya tomorrow for number 714.

Madness man, madness.

Songs of the day:

gotta jam to something whilst speed checking.

Falling - Iration

very catchy, acoustic version is good as well, go here

It's Alright Baby - Komeda

okay so the video's a little weird, but i guess it matches the lyrics

and i'm out!

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