I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

"Weird to meet you." "Likewise."

When it comes to popsicles stick with what you know.

Don't try to be adventurous cause it will backfire.

I eat a lot of popsicles.

More than most normal human beings, like 3 or 4 times a week.

Just nightly ritual or habit or whatever. I don't know, but I fly through boxes.

Anyway, I usually stick with this same brand that's got grape and cherry and orange and orange used to be my favorite but now I'm kinda liking the cherry - surprisingly cause I always used to hate cherry, it was too sweet - anyway, I saw this other box that had like pineapple and other fruit stuff as flavoring and I like pineapple and other fruit stuff so I figured I'd try it?

Epic fail.

So, 2012 was a big year. Many memories were made though I do have to say and yes I will be sappy romantic girl for the next few minutes so you can skim this section if you'd like - would be getting back together with the boyfriend one year ago today.

I went out to his place cause Mondays are the worst for him.

Yes, I'm aware it's Wednesday but it's Monday to him because of the holidays and vacation and he had to switch from normal people hours to third shift hours. So he slept, well, attempted to sleep all day but woke up at seven to meet me at the movies.

We saw Jack Reacher and holy crap, I totally underestimated it. Scale of Awesome puts it at around 9/10. Tom Cruise was fantastic, I know, shocking. We're hoping there will be a sequel.

Awesome action scenes with just enough comedy - like the hat thing - to make you laugh but not like it's trying too hard.

I should probably mention that I lost my voice today. I don't feel sick, I have a runny nose, but the voice is just gone. It's bad. Should have called Juwanna and sang some Amazing Grace as is our tradition.

I did tell him he didn't have to kiss me on our anniversary but he braved it anyway. Though when a girl phrases it like that and the boyfriend agrees he's gonna catch hell the next morning.

Similar to how we say we're fine.

We're not.

Alright, as promised you'll get a week of my favorites from 2012. Let's start with some big ones.

Brokenhearted - Karmin

after some promotions from Ellen and a lot of video viewings on youtube they hit it big. gotta take pride in the fact they're from nebraska. don't have a lot of those.

Everybody Talks - Neon Trees

so stoked to see these guys in March!! the boyfriend spoils me.

Call Me, Maybe - Carly Rae Jepson

no matter where you go you can't escape this song. it's just too dang catchy.

alright i'm out!

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