I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Friday, January 25, 2013

It can still be a date if you order raisin bran.

Big day today. Slept in 'til about 11:30, which is huge at the farmhouse. Though I was up 'til like 3 so it wasn't a lot of sleep.

Got my hair chopped and dyed - this time by the new girl. She did pretty good for her first time with me. I'm liking it and now I've got my red so I can pull off the Donna look for the trivia night on Friday - though I'll have to find some good 70's clothes at some point this week. Otherwise I'll just end up with a nametag that says "Hello my name is Donna" which is effective but not festive.

After the hair thing was the notary thing, there's a big deal in the works which you'll hear much more about later but my brother and I got to sign lots and lots of stuff in front of a notary chick who, after I first signed my name looked at me and said "you've grown up!"

One of those times when you want to go, "thanks. who are you again?"

But see it's a small town and everyone knows my parents so I'm sure I've met them at some point in life.

Anyway, so I know that my signature is awful and illegible but my brother's is worse. But then he started making fun of mine so we left it up to the notary chick who couldn't choose which was worse.

Which is sad cause really, his is bad. So if mine is just as bad maybe I should work on that.

But there's a difference between signing something and then signing something when people are watching you sign it.

I don't know about you but I start to overanalyze my signature and like tried to write it slower, especially since apparently it's just as bad as my brother's, but even with more effort you still couldn't read it.

After the signing thing I packed up my stuff and met up with the boyfriend. We saw Silver Linings Playbook which I've wanted to see ever since I learned it had J-Law in it and then after the Emmy's and all of the Oscar nods you knew it had to be worth it.

I liked it, I'm giving it an 8/10 on the scale of awesome, however I'm pretty sure the boyfriend was not as into it as me.

But I think he liked Les Miserables last week and I didn't so while our taste in movies is usually similar - apparently we own all the same ones - it can differ at times.

Basically what the trailer left out is the fact that Cooper's character is dead set on getting back together with his wife and also that his father - played by Deniro - has a serious case of OCD. Or is just really superstitious.

And then Lawrence's character has mental issues, along with Cooper's best friend as he's being driven crazy by his wife. Speaking of his wife, brought back 2 of my favorite celebrities that I haven't seen in about 5 years - Julia Stiles and Chris Tucker.

Wasn't expecting them, although the only clip I'd seen before we went included her rant about the Eagles winning every time they were together

After the movie we watched part of Almost Famous - which I had also not seen. It was weird seeing Kate Hudson so young, though it was made 13 years ago. And since it was that long ago some of the actors have turned out to have big careers and there were multiple times of "i know her, what else was she in?" Usually I can figure it out right away but because they were so young I had to pull out the phone and google it.

How did we live without google on our phones?

Alright, on to the music:

Going retro

Louie Louie - The Kingsmen


and i'm out

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