I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

"you met a guy?" "uh-huh." "as a dog?" "uh-huh." "how?" "well he ran me over."

If you don't like Charmed or Maroon 5 you should probably skip this post.

I'm gonna hit you with a bunch of crap cause if I said the speech that's running through my head over and over and over I'd regret it later.

So, in order to distract myself from the roller coaster of a day I'm watching Charmed.

That's right, Charmed.

Cause I love it.

All 8 seasons of it.

I was obsessive - and still am - and similar to Friends can tell you what quote came from what episode, what episode is in what season (judging by the opening credits or storyline or even hair style) and name pretty much every demon listed in the Book of Shadows.

Here are clips from two of my favorite episodes - the first is from season three's "Blinded By the Whitelighter".

Training with the new Whitelighter:

"well that would be bad."

see, the redhead? that's natalie. mentioned here and here and here and here. she even has her own tag because she's in everything now and i don't even know her real name.

similar to the hailey nash/maid marian shout out yesterday whilst watching bones.

Aames is a Darklighter, they're training to kill him. If you are confused.

Next is season five's "Sense and Sensibility"

Forced to play charades after losing their senses:


"we've gotta find paige."

The movie Phoebe is watching is called "Kill It Before It Dies" starring Billy Appleby and and Sally Mae. It's her favorite movie. It's originally featured in the second season episode "Chick Flick". The Demon of Illusion brings Billy to life and Phoebe falls in love.

yes i am that sad.

But really, that's the stuff I'd rather be focused on at the moment and since I always always post Piper videos now you're gonna get a Prue one.

"i hate when she plays astral games. MARCO!"

"without opening a fast food franchise, yeah."

aaaannd that's actually Billy Appleby censoring Prue at 3:45.

immediately after watching this episode i used the word "rutabaga" as a replacement for everything i couldn't pronounce.

still do.

Another one of my favorite things?

Maroon 5.

Their new CD is pretty great, here's one of my favorites.

Doin' Dirt - Maroon 5

sweet moves.

So, while this post has been probably extremely boring and painful for you (and yet you're still here) it was relaxing for me. I promise to do better tomorrow, but today... let's just say, this helped.

Now I'm gonna go do some more editing and crash. yeehaw.

PS - my new ringtone for text messages is the chime when a whitelighter orbs.

aka the :30 mark of the Sense and Sensibility clip.

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