I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

seems she forgot all about the library like she told her old man now...

First off let me say I don't know who Rhonda from North Carolina is or if she is, in fact, the skanky whore you claim her to be, but how the heck did you get to my blog by typing that into Google?

It's making me re-evaluate my postings.

Okay, got that off my chest. We're good.

Today I was totally proactive.

I was so proactive I kicked proactive's ass.

Ninja of awesome, I'm telling you.

I'm still just in this sort of giddy shock mode that my ideas are actually being considered for stuff.

Usually when I suggest things they get shot down immediately so it came as a surprise to me today in our "teen experience" meeting (with my newest awesome library friends go here) that the two big ideas that I threw out in front of seasoned veterans actually got approved.

But the problem with having the ideas and them being accepted by your supervisors is that you become in charge of said ideas and have to put them into action. 

Which is fine. 

While I'm used to sitting back and watching the action in front of me, not stepping up when I should because I don't like conflict, I've decided it's time for a change.

I'm being proactive. 

That's what the Library Goddess is always preaching about in classes so I'm taking a stand for my teens cause I think they're important and if I don't stand up for them who else will?

They're my responsibility and I want to make things worth their time. 

Anyway, the meeting this afternoon was about Summer Reading Events, Teen Tech Week, some lunch time school visits, and the fact that chocolate cupcakes are awesome. 

Okay, that was mostly a side note. 

They talked about their ideas for Summer Reading which is when I dropped the bomb about library golf. 

See, I'm thinking this could be epic. Set up a few holes on 4th, hit the ball into the elevator and ride with it down to 2nd, go through the biographies, around the music library, through the nonfiction stacks, passed YA and the language area, down the stairs, through adult fiction and ending in youth services. 

I'll put my TAB kids in charge of the holes - giving them a chance to design and build their own to match with the area it's located in. For instance, while going passed the travel section we could build an Eiffel Tower out of the books to hit it through. 

I'm thinking it will be more like croquet than golf cause we'll be hitting it through something and not into a hole. 

We can add books about oceans for a water hazard and books on the desert for a sand trap. 

Anyway, they loved it. As does BossLady, it's SuperWoman that's still apprehensive but I'm on it. So is one of my supervisors from the meeting too apparently she saw SuperWoman in the parking lot and yelled something about wanting golf at the library before driving away. 

It's on. 


See, I think it could be epic and I think the kids will be excited about constructing the holes. 

But we'd keep it 6th-12th grade for participants as it would be for the Teen Summer Reading program. Anything younger and things could get out of control. 

And we'd use wiffle balls. 

wifell balls? 

wiffell balls? 

wiffel balls? 

No idea how to spell that. I'd Google it but I can't move my arms. Carter is laying on them so all I can reach is the immediate keyboard. Not even the mouse pad. 


Snuck my arm out to take the picture but now I can't put it back so I have one arm under him and the other over him. 

This isn't going to work. 

Oh, now he's mad and sulking in the corner of the couch cause I made him move. 

I'll pay for that later. 

Where was I?

Oh, it's apparently spelled "wiffle" which was my first guess but it's still giving me the red lines underneath it which constantly question my sanity. 

Here is someone's interpretation of library golf in case you're interested - though ours will look much different cause my kids are more creative. 

Anyway, so that was one idea for summer reading, another possible is to make masks but I haven't decided on the types yet. Our theme is "Beneath the Surface" though one of my supervisors basically said "screw the theme and go with whatever" which I was glad about cause I had no idea how to tie golf to digging except that golf has holes but we weren't hitting things into holes, anyway, so yes masks and I found these SWEET STORM TROOPER MASKS that you can make our of milkjugs. You gotta check them out, go here 

I have a feeling I'll be buying a lot of empty milkjugs. Too bad I won't have Fearless Leader around to remind me with the *invisible milkjug dance*

The first year she and I were in charge of the Food Drive we did this change collecting thing in milkjugs and she planned to buy the empty ones after work if she didn't forget so I did this weird invisible milkjug dance thing - don't ask me to repeat it I don't remember how it went - and then texted her after work *invisible milkjug dance* *invisible milkjug dance* and it worked cause she remembered them. 

Anyway, the second big idea that they approved was for Teen Tech Week. I was thinking it'd be fun to do like a "check in @ your library" cause ALA is big on anything that includes the phrase "@ your library" in fact I'm pretty sure they have that phrase under copyright but anyway, they'd have a week to go around to all the branches and check in on Facebook/talk to a staff member who puts a temporary note on their record/initials a score sheet (this part is still a work in progress) and then whoever visits them all by the end of the week gets a candy bar. 

Alright, I should crash. On to the music. 

Fun Fun Fun - The Beach Boys

i know that version is awful, but i had to post it just because of the voice crack during the "wild goose CHASE now"

Wrote a song about GADE
On Youtube it often played
Next year was sci-fi
Watching little aliens fry

It's been in my head all night as We Didn't Start the Fire came up on my ipod on the ride home. 

Cantrell’s quarter game
Collecting trash is so lame
If you build it they will come
It you burn it they will run

If you have no idea what I'm talking about scroll to the right and click on the top video on the video bar. 

Or just go here for the lyrics and explanation: No tubing, too much bank, Tankety-tank-tank

Meet Delayed...Reaction. For those of you who don't already know us. 

Actually I'm pretty sure the *invisible milkjug dance* looked a bit like that. 

Anyway, we write songs at camp and then record them. 

Our original recording was better - we were physically at camp - and I have it somewhere but not sure where that somewhere is. 

But I'll upload it when I find it later. 

I'm sure when I'm not looking for it it'll turn up as things usually do. 

But that was a few years back. We haven't written one for a couple years. 

Now that he's all married and I'm pretty sure his wife hates me. 

Not that I can blame her, but that's a long story. 

Anyway, so today rocked because of a single meeting and I was reminded why I'm in this profession. 

Which is ironic because just last week I was questioning that very fact. 

But that's an even longer story. 

Like I said, taking a stand cause that's what the Library Goddess would tell me to do. 

If only it wouldn't have snowed then I'd have gotten to see the boyfriend tonight as was originally planned cause the rest of this week is crazy busy. Touring libraries tomorrow and the next day and then TRIVIA NIGHT on Friday. I'm stoked. 

And I have Donna clothes. 

Did I mention that last night? I don't remember if I did or not. But I found Donna clothes. Oldest Sister will be thrilled as she's the one that bought them for me in the first place, though I don't think that's what she had in mind at the time. 

I really need to quit rambling and sleep. I started this entry like an hour and a half ago. To be fair I did have a giant cat blocking half my keyboard. 

Writer's Block
Greta Stop!!

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