I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

"two hours outside any city looks like Kentucky."

No matter how crazy life can be or how frustrating or how tiring or how whatever, my teens always make me feel better.

And I'm not saying that I'm tired or frustrated or whatever about the library, I love my job, love my life, love my boyfriend, love my family, etc.

I'm just saying, they cheer me up.

No matter what's going on.

Had our monthly meeting today, scavenger hunt is next week with the Cosplay party after that.

Cosplay as in costume party.

I'm guessing we'll have a bunch of anime kids and all that. Think one of mine is going as Doctor Who. Should be interesting.

Anyway, so we went over notes for the next few months, scheduled some more fun stuff. They want to be more involved and do more stuff so I've tried to do a meeting and an activity every month. This time they want to do a Reader's Theater kind of thing in which they'll act out something on the spot that's being read to them.

I'm thinking cheesy romance novels sound hilarious.

And then for the next one they're thinking game day - wii, board games, etc.

Aside from the meeting it wasn't a very eventful day. Spent the majority of it in the back room checking stuff in or stocking supplies.

Oh, I trained yet another new employee.

He's not ours but he's training here cause the branch he's actually supposed to work at also has 3 other new employees.

So there's no one around to train them there cause they're all new.

Well, most of them are new, think they still have 2 of the originals.

Anyway, so trained one of them on desk stuff, then had the TAB meeting and decorated the Young Adult area with all of their lovely artwork and bookmarks.

Then after work the boyfriend came up and we went to see Promised Land.

Written by Dave Eggers but adapted by Matt Damon and John Krasinski.

aka Jason Bourne and Jim from The Office.

Scale of Awesome says about 7/10. Interesting to see him in serious roles now instead of action stuff. Though he was all carpenter in this one like We Bought a Zoo.

It's basically about Matt Damon and his partner played by Frances McDormand. They're natural gas salespeople and arrive in this small town attempting to sway people to sign over their land to be drilled but this environmentalist shows up and all hell breaks lose.

It's interesting, good storyline and all that. Well-casted.

But it was nice to see something so different from what we usually watch. Due to timing constraints mostly cause there's only a few hours between when I get off work until when he has to leave here to get to work on time.

Alright, I should crash. Totally exhausted. And Carter's already sleeping and taking up half the couch.

More of 2012's greatest hits.

Gangnam Style - Psy

it's hard to beat the originator but i think i like mitt romney style better.

scroll down a few posts and you'll see it.

or just go here

Farming and I Grow It - ThePetersonFarmBros

since i can't post the original version of this one for reasons that will go unexplained - though if you've seen it then you understand - you get the parody instead.

and i enjoy it so you should watch it.

Locked Out of Heaven - Bruno Mars

the boyfriend was obsessed with this song while we were in vegas. still sings it from time to time.

legitimate pre-midnight post. holy crap tag in use.

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