I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

"How do you write movies for adults?" "We write for adults and cast short people."

Went to that YA conference today, it was a lot of fun.

Not a lot of us there though it's different this year because it's free and it's all online so you can view it from wherever. Apparently last year it cost like 90 bucks per person so they started this group thing and then voted on what videos to tune into - it's all live and there are multiple sessions going on at once.

Basically it's a bunch of Young Adult authors talking about their books and then answering questions from the audience. The humor writers were the best though it was interesting to watch book trailers and then listen to the other authors speak.

Like Aquifer by Jonathan Friesen sounds awesome! But his public speaking is seriously lacking. Seemed to be half asleep and unfocused. There was one author who looked like she was 18. Like seriously younger than me.

I googled her but no age was given.

I had my phone so they had me keep googling stuff, it was amusing.

We had some technical difficulties but I'm calling it a success.

Here are a few of my favorite one-liners:

Hostess: "It's a dead clock, but they refuse to take it down."
Guest: "Well you have to keep it somewhere."

Tamora Pierce: "But when a character says 'do it my way or you'll have a lousy book' you do it their way."

Guest: "She's more passionate about her hair color than that role."

Audience: "How do you write movies for teens?"
Paul Rudnick: "We write for adults and cast short people."

Paul Rudnick: "It's the next best thing to being paid to nap."

I think Paul Rudnick and DJ Machale were the best speakers but the other humor writers were great too.

It was a lot of fun and definitely going again next year.

After the conference I went to Walmart and bought camp stuff until the boyfriend woke up. 3rd shift sucks.

His friend came over for a while and then we went out for supper.

Last night before camp so I didn't care really, just wanted to see him before I left for a week.

And that was my day. Off to find more lyrics to HeeHaw for skits, woohoo!

Songs of the Day:

Still Into You - Paramore

the boyfriend doesn't like paramore. sad day. not that i'm hardcore paramore but i do like the only exception and misery business. plus this one is pretty catchy.

Cruisin' for a Bruisin - Teen Beach Movie

i have no idea what's going on in this scene or anything about the movie whatsoever but the song made the top ten on iTunes so i figured i would check it out.

not bad. maybe squirt has heard of it and can explain what's going on in this scene.

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