I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

"But I would watch Johnny Depp peel potatoes so..."

The Old New Guy and I were debating if we want to see Lone Ranger or not.

Another coworker said it was great, but everyone else that's seen it said it wasn't his best and then the boyfriend doesn't want to see it cause of the train inadequacies - don't ask.

It was pretty much a no-brainer debate though cause we both like Johnny Depp - him saying the title to this post was seriously the highlight of my entire day cause it was amusing and cause I would probably watch him peel potatoes too. I know Sketch would.

Maybe I'll take Squirt if she hasn't seen it already.

Frantic at the moment about the homework for this second class due July 26th. Looked at the assignments and it's making my head hurt.

Though that may be a combination of the fact that I felt sickish all day today and yesterday and that I've been staring at this screen for like 4 hours straight.

I'm hoping I'll feel better after some sleep but it's highly doubtful.

For the class it's like one big encyclopedia entry assignment made up of all these tiny components.

And then like these reading guide quiz things. Which should take like 5 minutes but you have to read all these articles and watch all these clips for the answers.

Hence the screen staring for all these hours.

Plus there was camp stuff before that.

But I'm confused cause there are two unit 1 quizzes and I found all the answers for the one that I thought I was supposed to do but what if it's the other one and then I'll have to start over again. She only lists one in the gradebook and the site has been having issues since the course started so I keep bombarding her with emails.

She probably thinks that I'm an idiot cause I'm sure everyone else in the class is done by now but not everyone else in the class works 40 hours, is taking other classes, and is attempting to direct a summer camp. Amongst other priorities.

Anyway, so they should take 5 minutes but they don't and then there's this massive encyclopedia entry thing where we pick a topic and write up its history and cite a bunch of crap - am debating topics. I'm thinking either Project Gutenberg or Charles Perrault.

Those are worthy of encyclopedia entries right?

For those of you who don't know Project Gutenberg is a Digital Library where you can read a bunch of free eBooks go here: http://www.gutenberg.org/ and Charles Perrault is the father of fairy tales.

The original ones where everyone dies horrible deaths.

Anyway, after all the screen-staring I'm just frustrated and zonked and feel like I've made no progress whatsoever.

So I'm going to bed before I get even more ranty.

Heard this one on the way home and now find it fitting.

Good Time - Leroy (acoustic)

Funny story is that last time I posted this song was in another freak out entry but for last fall with the 3 classes and GA thing.

That was nothing compared to this upcoming fall.

Is that all I do anymore? Just freak out on here?

Perhaps it's time for a break.

legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.

"and there ain't nothing i can do about it."

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