I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, July 15, 2013

Don't go Jason Waterfalls.

Have you ever went through a carwash and felt like you were in a hidden camera TV show?

So, I decided that my car is covered in bugs - well, I didn't decide that, it actually just is - and I went to get it washed. I put in my money and drove forward and it starts beeping at me to drive backward. So I did, then it said drive forward then it beeped again and told me to go backward.

This proceeded to happen at least 5 times, the whole time I'm thinking alright where is the freakin' camera and crew? So I just drove out, talked to the people at the gas station and was like, wtf? And they went, it's touchy, here's a code go try it again.

Same thing. At least 5 times.

Said screw it again, went back in and they gave me cash back and yet another code.

This time it worked after only one of those reverse/forward cycles.

And the car is still covered in bugs.

Cause apparently - according to Kitzworld - Nebraska bugs are on steroids.

This is in the middle of an already stress-filled day off.

Decided to get up around 10AM and work on some homework.

Soon 10AM turned into 5PM and I was like, I gotta take a break. So I went grocery shopping bought Warehouse 13 season four - woohoo! - did the carwash thing and then came back to do even more homework.

Amidst all the homework were 4 frantic camp phone calls and 5 frantic camp emails. My life would be so much easier if people actually turned in their forms by July 1st and then actually went with their assignments.

Camp is in two weeks. My homework is due in two weeks. I feel like I don't even have time to go to work because there's so much to do!

So I'm calling it quits for the night.

I did two assignments worth of stuff plus sent in my practicum learning plan AND got my comps stuff in the mail - ugh, October's gonna suck - plus did all that camp stuff.

This one of those we love camp italic moments mentioned here.

I still have 3 assignments left to do.

But I quit for the night.

So, as a distraction for the crapsuck that was today, here is a preview for a movie of awesomeness.

I wanted to see if before the preview even came out.

We're The Millers

basically he's a drug dealer and needs a cover family to smuggle stuff.

it looks highly entertaining and yes that is Molly Quinn aka Alexis Castle.

Song of the day, well after watching that preview at least...

Waterfalls - TLC

yes i know it's not jason waterfalls but i like to sing it that way.

this video is a lot more depressing than i remember.

didn't Left-Eye die in a plane crash? should they include the plane in the video? does it serve a purpose?

and she's out! legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.

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