You have to read it fast to get the full effect.
So yes, yesterday mostly sucked, but today made up for it.
Parade this morning - I drove the T-Bird while my niece sat on the back and threw candy.
We actually made it all the way through without running out of candy.
Which never happens.
I snagged some good ones - skittles, starbursts, etc.
Since we were car #5 we were able to park and then watch the rest of the parade.
I got beads.
It made me laugh because my cousins says I just attract them.
My old car used to have them hanging off of every surface.
In my new one they're in the drink holder in the back seat.
Now I have more to add to my collection.
After the parade I went home and took a nap.
It was awesome.
Oh and watched the Castle marathon on TNT.
Also awesome.
Still speed reading?
The siblings came out around 6 and we jammed at the house for a while until dinner at 7.
For some reason, even though we were eating inside, Mom put the cooler of pop outside - cause I think we were gonna eat at the cabin originally - anyway, so I went outside to get pop, grabbed some, closed the cooler, look up and there walks the boyfriend.
He surprised me.
Didn't think he could make it cause he had to work tonight.
So then all in my world was good again.
Ate our burgers and starting lighting stuff off.
We had fun with our Missouri purchases and then came the tank war.
See, I told him that Bubby was gonna be gone - cause they went to a wedding - so he had to take his place in the tank war. So we bought lots of tanks and various other automobiles. And some sort of hen thing.
Anyway, we attempted to be strategic in our set up.

He had the train, I had the boat. And like mega tank. But he had the plane - which actually went off twice and scared the crap out of me.
The goal of the tank war is to light off as many as possible all at once and then hope the others get hit by the fire and light themselves.
Then whoever's tanks are the least damaged wins.
In the end it was a huge char-fest but I'm pretty sure he won.
Though he did cheat when he grabbed a string of firecrackers and laid it over the top of my remaining tanks.
Still speed reading?
The real highlight was the 10 lanterns we lit off in a row.

We had many shapes and colors. This one was highly amusing, don't ask.
We lit so many Dad just got a blowtorch. Which started them much easier.

Mom thought they were illegal cause she couldn't find any, but I think some people don't sell them because they don't like them.
"Snakes and sparklers" sorry, Joe Dirt.
Anyway, after like the 10th one my brother was like, "well we know they're not illegal cause the cops would have been here by now."

The funniest part of the whole thing was watching them try to get them to fly cause you have to run with them so the wind will pick them up and it kept getting darker. The boyfriend fell in the same culvert twice in like 5 minutes.
And it was dark so all I could see was his outline going down and then hear my brother laughing.
My brother's approach was to give it words of encouragement as he ran. "You can do it" "Fly damnit!"
The boyfriend told him to act like he was at his kids' ball games to which my sister-in-law replied, "then it would be, oh my god how did you not catch that?!"
The lanterns were fun. The boys had fun racing to see who could get theirs up the fastest. The triangle ones we said looked kind of like KKK masks which led to us quoting Django for the rest of the night.
"I think we all think the bags were a nice idea."
And that was my night.
More fun will take place Saturday for the brother-in-law's birthday, huzzah! But first tomorrow is work and then homework.
So I'm out.
Hope you had a happy fourth.
"So it'd be nice to see!"
Horribly racist but wildly entertaining.
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