I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I walk onto a terrace where I think I'm alone, but Arthur Fonzarelli's got an army of clones.

Fonzi's been cloned.

Gotta post as many times as possible this week since I'll be off the radar for all of next week.

No wifi at camp and I can't exactly have my computer out when I'm surrounded by tiny children looking at me for direction.

Today flew by pretty quickly, though the night before was weird.

Remember how I was up super late doing homework?

Then for some reason I woke up like 2 hours later and decided it was time for work. I don't know if I dreamed my alarm went off or what but I'm like dragging myself around the apartment and look at the clock and go, what the crap?

Did the same thing in the morning. Woke up before the alarm and freaked thinking I was late.

Nope. Early.

And Superwoman texted me asking if I would work at the home branch in the morning.

Which I cheered at secretly because it meant I got to avoid the circus that was the work branch this morning.

Big huge open house for our new computer lab plus an at-capacity summer reading event up on 4th floor.

I was glad it was all over and cleared out by the time I got there.

Afternoon was spent doing supplies since I'm going to be gone and volunteer stuff since I'm going to be gone.

Then after work it was off the boyfriend's. Went to dinner and then Walmart to get ice cream. Though I ended up buying Ninja Turtles 1-3 - the classic versions from the 90's - on blu ray and the boyfriend got some stuff as well.

Walked around the train tracks for a while figuring out scheduling stuff for fall - I hate being an adult. When did we ever worry about scheduling when we were kids?

But I'm thinking if I work every remaining Saturday in August and then all of them in September she could give me a few off in October. Which might work with his schedule.


The problem is timing, he won't know for sure until later this month and my weekend plans are due Friday.

Well, Thursday cause I leave Thursday.

Just gonna guess and hope it works out okay.

Tomorrow is gonna be a big day. On professional leave for a huge webinar. And it's a destination webinar as I am visiting another library to participate.

It just happens to be the boyfriend's library.

So I'll get to see him after, huzzah!

Alright, I should sleep. Have to act all professional tomorrow and that requires at least 7 hours of sleep.

Nonstop, none of this wake up every two hours thinking it's time to go in crap.

Does anyone else do that? I feel like I do it like twice a year. Is that just me?

On to the music:

Abracadabra - Steve Miller Band

i'm sorry but this video is messed up.

after watching Burt Wonderstone the boyfriend sang this around work. apparently his coworker grew tired of it and changed the lyrics to "i wanna reach out and smack ya."

Total Eclipse of the Heart Literal Video Version

I know I posted this a while ago but a friend brought it up last week and I've been wanting to watch it ever since.

love it. there are many other literal music videos out there. you should do a search on YouTube and check the others out. they're awesome.

and i'm out.

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