Name that reference.
Hmm, today.
Went to Bubby's Christmas Eve service at church. I'm aware it's not Christmas Eve, well technically now it is as it's officially passed midnight. Though this post will say it's ten minutes before as almost always. First year Squirt got out of it since she is in high school now. But see when she used to be in it we could make her laugh by making faces and all that.
But Bubby is too smart for that. He doesn't even look at us cause he knows it's coming.
I fear it's payback for how his dad used to wave and make broad gestures to me from the back of the church when I had to stand up there and say the lines.
But reading them over and over for years and years really does make them stick in your brain as I recited in my head along with them.
Apparently there was a section that Bubby forgot and totally made up his own thing. Didn't eve notice he's that good on the spot.
And the best piano player there for the pre-worship stuff.
But his mom is the organist so...
Interestingly enough he goes to someone else for lessons.
Anyway, so that was in the morning then we went to lunch at Sam and Louie's. Got a calzone and half of it is still in the fridge.
Though now I'm hungry. Dangit.
After that came packing my car with all the presents. Which I didn't realize how many of them there were until I had to carry them all the way down the stairs and across the frozen parking lot expecting to fall at any moment.
Though I haven't had any major ice falls since college.
People used to go to breakfast just so they could sit by the windows and count how many people fell on the ice in the parking lot.
But they never plowed it cause there were always cars there. They'd pour gravel but that only goes so far.
After that I came home - Carter was actually okay on the drive out though he was very happy to be out of the carrier when we entered the farmhouse. He's very content now.
Speaking of content, we did our stockings today. Got some sweet Star Wars ones. I gave him Yoda cause he's small and fuzzy and I'm Darth Vader. Cause that was the other option and I guess I can be both evil and good at the same time.
He got lots of cat treats.
Here was the sequence of events.
The stockings

Why yes, that is a leverage reference for those of you wondering.
There's also a collection of shot glasses, signed copies of 2 separate children's books courtesy of two of my favorite teachers - Serck and the Cool Aunt - plus a golden snitch, mizzou tiger, C-3PO's head, etc.
Told you I needed more bookshelves. There is one other unit as this one only holds A-P. And before you ask, yes they are in order. I work in a library, what do you expect. Though I may switch it up. Sort them by year just to be different. In which case I think Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky would be first and Frozen Heat would be the newest.
Inspecting stocking contents.

Why yes, he is quite spoiled.

Debating how many he can pounce on at the same time.
Fish was the winner

Well, maybe not from his perspective.
Content after a day playing with new toys.

Why yes, I am the stereotypical librarian.
Cats and green tea, I'm telling you. But if I ever start composting please Gibbs smack me.
Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck: Day Ten
Last year's Day Ten included my favorite new original Christmas Song - Wish List by Neon Trees - but since I posted the original last year and all the covers on youtube aren't so fantastic I'm forced to skip it since I can't post it twice in a row.
These rules suck sometimes.
Moving on we still got a few others on the agenda.
White Christmas - Team Blake
starting off with the one most often stuck in my head. for the boyfriend that would be blue christmas. which he sang over and over this weekend it was highly amusing. especially since it was that one and payphone over and over.
but this is the one i looked forward to posting after seeing it on the voice.
think this is one of the major highlights from season three just because blake brings back his entire team to sing.
they make a heck of a choir. cassadee, jordis, think i'm team blake for life.
Welcome Christmas - Grinch
i don't think my uncle or aunt would appreciate being trimmed up. just a theory.
i can post the original since last year i went with the glee version.
what is that, latin? any idea what that means in english?
God rest ye merry gentlemen - Barenaked Ladies
love these guys.
For last year's Day Ten go here
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