I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Friday, December 28, 2012

sister golden hair surprise.

I'm sensing a pattern with these rollercoaster days.

Work was alright I suppose.

Flew by as has also been the pattern as of late.

I guess there's no real difference in the Dirt System between top soil and mining the minerals below it.

But whatever.

Nothing I can do about it.

Just sit back and watch what happens.

And Slim Shady is leaving so I'm more bummed.

Both of my booze cake buddies have ditched me.

SuperWoman made me pinky promise today that I wouldn't ditch the library to go be with a boy as that's what happened with both Fearless Leader and Slim Shady.

Don't think that'll be happening anytime soon. And if it does we've already mentioned something about living half way between his work and mine.

After work came the high point of today's rollercoaster - aka the Library Goddess's Holiday Party Extraordinaire.

I walked in and she gave me booze with fruit in it. It was thoroughly exciting.

I've never been in a room with both of my bosses and the Cool Aunt all present.

Of course with both LG & SW there came the usual argument about who's boss #1 and who's boss #2.

SuperWoman claims she's number one since she hired me first.

Always humorous when you get those two together. Throw in the Cool Aunt and about 30 other people and it was a party.

Nervewracking though to put all three of them together. There could be a lot of swapped CK stories.

Speaking of stories I heard a great one tonight but since the Library Goddess always calls "Vegas" on all the good stuff it can't leave the room.

All I can say is that it involved a boat, but don't worry there was no tiger on board.

I don't think I can see that movie. I read the book in college for a class and wasn't impressed enough to motivate me to see the movie.

But I can also say that about Moby Dick, and Of Mice and Men.

Along with many others I'm sure I'm forgetting. I am a English major so there were a lot.

They should make a movie about Dante's Inferno.

I would see that.

They made a video game which I may have to look into.

Anyway, so that was all fun but then on my way to the farmhouse from the apartment I noticed my tire pressure was super low but every gas station I stopped at to fill it up all had broken air pumps so I just kept getting more and more frustrated. Almost said screw it and was going to risk driving with it, but the boyfriend was the voice of reason and talked me through it. Though it still took me 4 pumps to find one that worked.

So that was suckish, but I stopped to see the boyfriend on the way home so all is well.

I'm sorry. I'll attempt to be more witty and charming next time. But I am dimmed and I shall spirit myself away so as not to stain those who live in the sun.

Kat Kinsman. Look it up.

Probably won't hear anything out of me tomorrow as I'll be staying with P Squared to do our New Years party early.

Throwback Thursday songs are still stuck in my head. Let's see if I can replace them.

Sister Golden Hair - America

Do Ya - Electric Light Orchestra


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