I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Sunday, December 9, 2012

I looked. Around. A lousy candle's all I found.


I'd play "School's Out For Summer" but it's really the wrong temperature for that song.

So, last class today - Reference - just gotta post my online evaluations and I'm done for the rest of December!!

Aaannd then there will be classes in January...and then practicum in the summer....more classes and comps in the fall....but then I'll be Done Done.

Physical, actual, done-ness.

The done-ness of awesomeness.

Kind of like breakfast of champions but not really.

Anyway, woke up and headed to school around 9. Missed my turn!!! Of all things, I drive the same route every time, no idea how that happened. Saw 449 fly by and went, woops. But I still made it in time to get my stir on.

See, she's smart and doesn't let me cook. I get to bring bread and stir soup. That's why they pay me the big bucks. Well, that and cutting strips of paper, erasing boards, leading class evaluations, writing a newsletter, going to conferences, not too big of a deal. I'm actually diggin' the gig. The Library Goddess is pretty sweet. She got me a gift certificate to my favorite sushi place.

Which means the Cool Aunt might actually let me pay!

But I doubt it. We are getting some fajitas and jalapeno margaritas next week.

Anyway, back to the gig, it's pretty awesome seeing all the behind the scenes stuff in person. The conference was mad wicked. Got the posts to prove it. But I got her these Christmas ornaments with drink mixes in them, add liquor and it's a party! And a gift certificate for coffee. That woman can find good coffee anywhere. Has some sort of thing programmed in her brain for it. Very impressive.

Oh and gave her the packet of nominations from Superwoman. Basically we nominated her for this big award and came up with all this stuff and SW put it all in a nice fancy paper thing and I got to give it to her, saying she was a winner to us.

Which she is. And she did deserve to win.

Anyway, where was I before this? Oh yeah, so school's out for winter. Which means it's back to work as usual tomorrow and the rest of the week. Kinda nice though today. Came home, watched some Mike and Molly with my big fat cat, no homework to freak about, no work work to freak about.

That'll come tomorrow when I get to start planning for the giant holiday party on Saturday.

No pressure.

Oh well, my teens are pretty low maintenance. But still, it's a party. With that comes added stress. I'll figure it out.

Alright, gonna head back to Mike and Molly. Carl's actually got himself a decent girlfriend. Gotta see how long that lasts.

Though no matter what Victoria's still my favorite. I can't help it.

Victoria on bigfoot - "it's just sleepin' outside."

Pretty much sums up her character.

Katy Mixon plays dumb stoner so well.

Wow, I've posted that link so many times that "bigfoot" has its own tag.

Alright, song of the day.

Which reminds me I should start on that 12 days of Xmas music like last year. More on that later.

Magic Carpet Ride - Steppenwolf

it's a celebration song, right?

legitimate pre-midnight post. holy crap tag in use.

"and yes, I think he's a total jerk."

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