I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, December 24, 2012

to the moon, alice!

Christmas Eve with the boyfriend's family today.

They didn't have to get me anything but I came home with quite the load.

The boyfriend and I bought presents together this year. Which is kind of a big deal.

And while getting ideas on what he wanted was much like pulling teeth when it came to my gifts he totally swept me off my feet.

Remember how I mentioned that he kept singing Payphone over and over this weekend? I said something to the effect of Maroon 5 was coming to Nebraska along with Neon Trees and Owl City and it would be cool to go.

Not knowing that he had already bought the tickets

...and that that was the reason the song was stuck in his head.

And they're good seats.

So there was that.

And a blu ray player.

Which I was thinking about buying for myself but holding off for xmas money. Actually the same model that he got me.

Best boyfriend ever.

I got him lots of stuff since we're having 2 Christmases but nothing can top those really.

His family is awesome. His brother got me the Batman trilogy on Blu ray - perfection for first set of blu rays - plus a Husker sweatshirt that I'm currently wearing, a sweet Husker stoplight that the Cool Aunt will totally be jealous of, some cool water bottles, and a wicked bag that says "I like big books and I cannot lie" which makes me laugh amongst other things.

Plus some stuff for Carter.

They rock.

Tomorrow morning is Christmas with mom and dad and then more stuff with the boyfriend's family - extended this time.

It's interesting. If you would have told me last year that now I'd be in a serious relationship spending Christmas with the boyfriend's family I would have laughed.

Though I never think in terms of years, it's always in terms of five years.

Because I'm not a fan of the future and I don't like change so throwing out theories about things happening five years from now is much less stressful than a year.

Does that make sense?

Before it was:

In five years from now maybe I'll have someone.

In five years from now maybe I'll be married.

Now it's more like:

In five years from now maybe I still won't have kids.

Don't get too excited about that one, he says stuff about not having them either.

Though my mother would kill me and his mother has already told me she expects three.

No pressure.

Where was I before this tangent?


It was great. Soup for lunch, then presents, watched Short Circuit #1, went to church and then watched Short Circuit #2 - which I gave him on Blu ray - apparently he used to watch them over and over as a kid.

Not bad. Interesting to see G.W. Bailey before he was Provensa. Same attitude about life but less gray hair.

And that's basically today. Tomorrow I'm excited cause I got Mom a lot this year. And Dad some pretty cool stuff as well. Though this is only a few things since the majority of our stuff is saved for New Years with the rest of the family.

On to the music.

Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck: Day Eleven

Alright, it's getting down my favorite songs of all time.

Carol of the bells - Pentatonix

they're pretty good.

though i'm having mixed emotions about this video.

Have yourself a merry little Christmas - Christina Aguilera with special guest Brian McKnight

love her.

can't be replaced. even if i do like shakira.

one season though, just one season and she'll be back.

Oh Holy Night - Hey Monday

yes, i know. if you know me or read this blog this version really shouldn't be that big of a surprise.

but to be fair i was a big fan of them before she turned up on the voice.

didn't stop me from choosing her as my number one.

and see how well that worked out?

team blake all the way.

so yes, that was my favorite religious holiday song. and if you were around for last year's 12 days of music you already know what i'm going to post for tomorrow's pick but stay tuned anyway.

For last year's Day Eleven go here

Legitimate pre-midnight post. Holy crap tag in use.

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