I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Saturday, December 22, 2012

and the game of golf was invented

Yes, I know. I'm late again.

Went out to dinner with the boyfriend's family for his birthday and then after we went to see the Hobbit 3D.

Which didn't get out 'til midnight.

It was pretty good though. Not as good as the first movies but maybe the sequel will be better.

Scale of Awesome puts it at around 7/10. It had it's moments. That sounds like it's bad, it's not bad. It was good, just not as good as I thought it would be. But it's hard not to build it up when the first three were awesome.

Though I do enjoy Martin Freeman as Bilbo. Benedict Cumberbatch was in it as well, though you couldn't tell it was him. Looks like he'll have a bigger role in the next two. I just love that both of them are in it.

Please tell me you've seen the latest BBC version of Sherlock.

If not go here: Amber Atkins that is not American Teen Princess Language

What else from yesterday?

Slept in, jammed out with the boyfriend. Watched Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter - which I've already reviewed here: Dick Cheney, Vampire Slayer - and The Raven. I slept through part of it but for the parts that I watched it was pretty good. Think I'll go back and watch it again. At the moment it's around an 8/10, but maybe that'll change once I see it all the way through.

Alright, on to the music.

Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck: Day Nine

Baby it's cold outside - She and Him

love these guys. in my top 5 of favorite bands.

Silver bells - Twisted Sister

ummm, okay. so the beginning is a little questionable. okay the whole video but the music is great.

Rockin' around the Christmas tree - Brenda Lee

original version is still the best

I'll be home for Christmas - Kristin Chenoweth

great voice, very impressive.

and good timing as i'm headed out to the farmhouse this weekend.

me and carter, i'm sure my mother is thrilled.

but it'll probably be like last year - take him home over christmas and then he'll stay there through new years. otherwise i have to load him up and bring him back twice and he hates the car. as you've heard many times. i'm sure if you looked hard enough you could find multiple lists of the songs he hates.

and i'm off.

For last year's Day Nine go here

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