I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

"Why are they always old?!"

So, everyone keeps texting me about what to buy for the boyfriend for Christmas.

I took him shopping this weekend as mentioned in the post and picking out gifts was like pulling teeth.

Now I know how Oldest Sister feels when she takes me clothes shopping.

At least I managed to come up with a few ideas from myself. From others I've got nothing. Cause he says he wants nothing.

But at our family Christmas no one gets nothing so I'll have to come up with some ideas. We're spending actual Christmas with his family and New Year's with mine since that's when we're having our family Christmas.

Which I think I told my mother, and if not, then she knows now.

Yes, we are at that point. Afterall we did almost get married in Vegas. Which Cabin Fever pointed out is kind of a big deal.

But it's been over 11 months now.

Which is huge for me cause as previously mentioned most of my relationships don't last longer than a Mento.

And I'm happy.

Which is also new.

Anyway, speaking of relationships, so had yet another "magnet moment" today at work. I helped this dude in the lab and he kept coming up with reasons to come to the desk like to borrow a pen and then to bring back a pen and then to ask about a newspaper and then to borrow the pen again and then he needed my help in the lab again and THEN he hits me with "can I show you something" and says something about how I'm beautiful or something, I don't even remember I was too "get me the heck out of here"-d at the moment. Anyway, so then he goes back into the lab, finishes his session and when putting the pen back in the holder on the desk slips me a note asking for my number.

Needless to say I did not give it to him.

The Library Judge says I'm 6, Queen of the Known Universe says I should have said 12.

6 is props cause she's a badass. Speaking of, "The Rise of Nine" is finally out and I added it to my wishlist - aka I told Favorite Sister in Law to buy it for me. But if she doesn't perhaps Mom will. And then Homey G will immediately borrow it.

I'm wondering if they'll ever make a sequel but wouldn't be surprised if they didn't. I don't think it had the greatest following.

Where was I going again? Oh right, so then this drunk lady started hitting on our security guard, and the poor dude is so young you just feel bad. But he handled it really well. Though later he came up to me and was like, "why are they always old?!"

So apparently if they were younger and hotter he wouldn't mind as much.

I have finally come up with somewhat of a Christmas list.

The first few are boring.

-Curtains Hung Up - still unsuccessful on that front

But then I ran into some fun stuff

-Burn Notice season five
-Charlie's Angels season five
-Once Upon a Time season one
-Pittacus Lore books "Rise of Nine" and then the one about lost legacies 

Well, I called it. Sort of, no I did. Picked the final four mentioning Nicholas might slip through just cause he's got people in his corner. I'll miss Amanda, she was great. As was Melanie she just had a bad night. People are ticked. Much like when Pip got kicked off last year. Bowtie and all.

But they're young and hipster-ish and the teens love them.

But my top 2 are STILL IN IT!

And I'm rooting for Terry now as well. He was in my honorable mentions when I was originally crafting the list. And I listened to his song almost 50, well, probably well over 50 times last night while falling asleep.

And then again today.

Second year in a row for Team Blake cause of Jordis last year.

It's interesting now though that it doesn't matter your team, just your number of votes so actually Adam and Xtina don't have any of their team left in the competition. Cee-Lo has Trevin and Nicholas, Blake has Cassadee and Terry.

Alright, should crash. More work tomorrow.

What does it mean?!?


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