Remember, Remember the 5th of November.
4 years, 120,000 views later and I'm still here.
Can you believe I’ve had this thing for 4 years?
Granted lately I haven’t been as good keeping up with it as I was before. Honestly I don't know how I did it every day for that long.
But that’s probably good for you cause you don’t have to put up with my random ramblings 7 days a week. Now it’s just like twice a month. There you go, I did it for you.
Though I've slowed down a bit I still post about the important things.
In true blog anniversary fashion here are a few of my favorite posts from the past year.
1. Family Christmas: "It's alphabetical." "What from W to boobs?" "Are you sure you want to purchase Boobalicious for $10.95?"
2. 1000th Post: Post #1000 My Top Library Moments of All Time "You looked all serious." "I am serious, I gotta get rid of this 7Up!"
3. People's Choice Awards: Nope, it's there forever. Like Maggie Smith and her tramp stamp. "Some of me are definitely dudes."
4. Golden Globes: "It's the story of how George Clooney would rather float away into space and die than spend one more minute with a woman his own age." "Explosion at the wig factory" = alternate title for American Hustle
5. Life Mottos: Walk west 'til your hat floats Because everyone should have someone to scream at in a giant elephant.
6. Grammy Awards: Then I got sober and two robots called me and asked me to make an album. Could anyone understand the words coming out of Beyonce or Jay Z's mouths? It was like Ozzie up there. And then Ozzie was up there...and needed subtitles.
7. Sketch Meets the Parents: It's cold out and I'm not wearing pants, where are you? “What do you think of this dress?” “Stick some candles in it and make a wish?”
8. Trivia Night: I hope I go home with the right dwarfs Heigh ho.
9. Valentine's and Birthday: puck...puck...puck...i should probably move...yep, good plan. The lady in front of me ducked to save her beer. Priorities.
10. Vegas: Vegas Take Two "Take all the dam pictures you want."
11. Hockey/Attachments: "What do you call people who mouth the words when they read?" "Nerds?" We want milk!
12. Library Inservice: My librarian's spicy under-layer. "Think about how much time you spend managing your boobs."
13. Zombie Apocalypse: "The deaf guy's right, you are a nice lady." Yes, these are the thoughts that we have at work.
14. Zombie Apocalypse Part Two/LifeSize Game Day: Keep Calm and Flame On She watches a lot of Survivor and she's good at assembling Ikea furniture.
15. Motorcarring Take Two: We ain't got no room for boring. I'm wondering if they're actually decorative or if it's more like a giant rock monster died in their front lawn and they were too lazy to move them.
16. Librarian Problems: Do I wanna know why there's a bra in the lost and found? Merry unMother's Day.
17. Cher Concert: I hope you took your heart pills cause I'm coming out. I’ve been drinking this forever…Eisenhower was president.
18. Homey G Wigger/Sketch and Edit's Excellent Adventure: Hyvenese = Chinese for Hyvee Plus I had to save Bertha. Don’t ask.
19. Motorcarring Take Three/Paul McCartney Concert: Some people bring spare parts, Popper Boy brings spare cars. It had a picture of a ring with the subtitle: Your Girlfriend Wants Me.
20. Camp J Highlights 2014: Hard to be a boy in a cabin named Sioux. Sounds like a car driving through a halftime show.
21. Camp J 2014 Skits: Eat a donut, write a ticket, hands in the air Soap Opera: …Me? You want to marry me? Oh Biff, I, I.... Game Show: so sorry, that's the wrong answer.
22. Bats at the library: Balls to you sir, balls to you sir, up and down the court. Blow me east, blow me west, I like lots of wind.
23. Learn the symptoms of a stroke/Karmin concert: I would shoulder a twelve-year-old for you. That's love.
24. Fun times at the zoo/Staff Association/Hockey Signings and Tour: "Do you work here?" "No." "Oh, well there's a reindeer stuck in the tree." In the meantime I'm on the cheeseball committee.
25. Disney Overload: No one saying do this, no one saying be there, no one saying stop that, no one saying see here. "it starts with an S and the rest is fluff."
26. Sports Harder: "A field goal's like kissing your sister." They looked like something your grandmother would have bought you (like a bird sweater) and then he actually wore them.
27. Mentor: And I'm dying inside and nobody knows it but me. Living in a dream world is great, but sometimes you have to face reality and write letters to the important people in your life before it's too late.
28. Women's Murder Club: That's not coffee that's diabetes on ice. "That's how I ended up with a Rotato."
You can find 2013's highlights here, here and here
And 2011's here, here, here, here, here and here
No idea what happened in 2012.
Continuing on, here are a few of my favorite things lately:
What's green and sings?
Elvis Parsley. That was a Library Judge addition.
Hey Ya - Troy Ritchie
Flashback to high school. I love his quirky style, especially at 0:42. Need to learn that move. It's stylin'.
Twelve Days of Christmas - Bob and Doug McKelvie
Don't look at me like that, it's November, I'm allowed to listen to Christmas music. Aren't you so proud I waited 'til after October to start?
Guess I'll have to add that one to my list to post for 12 Days of Christmas Music coming up in December. A whole 12 days of posting in a row. Perhaps I should go back to posting every day to prepare. I've got plenty of stuff to talk about.
Here's what you've missed since my last post in no order whatsoever.
Today at work was so bizarre. I climbed through a hole in the wall, turned a display into a giant turkey, and stuck mustaches on books. Let me explain.
The hole in the wall was to the garage which I knew we had but didn't know where it was or how to get to it. Turns out it got walled off cause we don't use it but there's still a hole you can go through to get to it. This was where the supervisor watched safely from the sideline as I got covered in spiderwebs and tripped over broken glass. We've been doing a lot of rearranging lately and we're looking for random odds and ends or more places to stash extra odds and ends.
The turkey thing is going in youth services. We have this giant triangle building block display and Superwoman wants us to turn it into a giant turkey so I recruited two of my TAB kids to help. It's a work in progress, but the head is done!

As for the mustaches it is Movember - a month dedicated to men's health - so I took all the YA books with faces on them and stuck mustaches of different colors and sizes on them, then put them all on display. It's got a lot of attention because it's located right between the stairs and the computer lab. I'm proud.

I know I'm highly entertaining.
What else?
October was filled with ups and downs, specifically one weekend in particular. On Friday we celebrated a wedding, on Monday we mourned at a funeral. Unfortunately it was for the same family as the wedding.
The wedding was fun. The boyfriend went with me - he used to be housemates with the groom. I know the groom from school, camp, and apparently we're related somewhere down the line. And he actually met his bride at camp so I knew her too! She is our nurse. They donated a dollar to camp for everyone at the wedding which I thought was amusing. The reception was lego themed and awesome. Each of the tables had a bowl full of legos for us to build stuff. The boyfriend built a spaceship, I built a house. I even got him to dance with me so it was great.
The funeral was not so amusing. Actually it was rather stressful, even before it started. The night before Mom had this idea of releasing balloons at the cemetery so she texted the new bride to see if it would be okay. The next morning she responded saying that the family loved the idea. Immediately after Mom woke me up - you know how much of an early morning person I am - I got dressed and we went to the pharmacy for balloons. We asked for 40 and they were like "only 40?" until we told them we needed them in like 10 minutes. It took 4 of them to get it done. Meanwhile mom and I went across the street to get breakfast. After the balloons were ready she took most of them in her car and I took the rest. We lost about 4 or 5 on the way over. Scared the crap out of me every time one popped cause they were right next to my head.
Note to self, next time whilst transporting balloons turn the heat/air conditioner vents in a different direction otherwise your balloons will pop. Figured that out halfway there.
Once we were there everything was fine. Well, as fine as it could be. The church was packed, as was the basement, so I was proud. He request was that we sing Someday - which has become a camp tradition since 2008. Since I'm the one who usually leads it at camp I led it there. Plus as she was my mentor I felt it was important for me to do something. It wasn't our best, granted everyone was looking at their feet. It became almost an unspoken rule not to look each other in the eye because we knew we'd lose it. As I had lost it twice during the service - we sang at the end - I only looked up when I had to cue people in and out. After the service we went to the cemetery. The Pastor said a few words and then we released our balloons. It was interesting because there was a treeline and I was scared they would hit the trees but almost a second before they shot straight up and over the trees like they were helped or something. I was glad I could help out as she meant a lot to me. Camp won't be the same without her.
Okay, as thinking about that gets me into over-analyzing my life mode let's move on to something more joyful.
Let's go with TAB, that's always fun. This month for our activity the teens recorded a podcast about their favorite books and their favorite TAB memories. I was quite proud they were able to expand more than just "it was cool" or "i liked the cover." They went into writing style, plot twists, and all that, plus they were very passionate while talking about TAB so that was good. Then of course Info-Man made me talk about how to join and our upcoming events. For your info our upcoming events include a books to movie marathon and a Mockingjay party. Similar to our Catching Fire party last year we're going to see it in theaters and then coming back for games and snacks. I have a crapton of trivia so we're going to divide them into teams through a "reaping" of sorts and then they have the opportunity for extra points if they get the question right by hitting a target with a nerf bow and arrow set.
Very exciting, I know you're all jealous.
What else? Halloween was last week. Myself and a bunch of my coworkers dressed up for work. I was a hockey player. Queen of the Known Universe was a Royals baseball player. The New Guy was a fireman - suspenders and hat included. Info-Man was a Ghostbusting vampire in that he wore a Ghostbusters t-shirt and vampire teeth. We took a picture - it's up on Facebook. As for after work, the boyfriend was off in Iowa riding motorcars with his dad so I went to my sister's. We drank wine and watched Rocky Horror and Young Frankenstein. Squirt was throwing a Halloween/birthday party so there were lots of teens around. I thought it was cool because instead of just watching movies they did a scavenger hunt. They went around taking pictures of themselves with certain things like spiders, pumpkin seeds, gravestones and all that and they got points for each thing. The last thing on the list was to turn themselves into a Mummy so she had tons of toilet paper at the house. Bubby was my favorite. Their toilet paper kept ripping so it took them a couple of tries. His partner was his girlfriend. I know, I feel so old. But I'm the cool aunt so I didn't tell any embarrassing stories. She seems nice.
Soon after Halloween was election day. Most of my people won. Except for governor. I don't like Pete Ricketts or his commercials so that's kind of a bummer. I listened to Mitt Romney Style while voting again. It's becoming a tradition.
On to Scale of Awesome's
Gone Girl
This movie was messed up. In the end they deserved each other, seriously, but we literally just sat in the theater and went what? Like what? It's a super long movie so you're waiting and waiting and waiting for stuff to happen and then it finally does and then it's suddenly done with a huge cliffhanger. I picked up the book at work and read the last couple pages and it's the same thing! Ugh. Scale of Awesome says 5/10.
**Spoiler alert** I thought for sure one of them would kill the other at the end. I was rooting for him to kill her, she's a sociopath, oh my god.
The boyfriend loves WW2 movies, but since he's a history buff he debunks them as we watch them. This one was apparently fine up until the ending, but I didn't care cause I thought it was great. I know everyone keeps saying all this crap about Shia being nuts, but he stole every scene. He was so good. Total method actor, though I guess he is a bit crazy since he pulled out his own tooth for the role. Whatever, Scale of Awesome says 9/10, I'll definitely watch it again.
Taking Chance
I'm not quite sure how I missed this one until now since it's recent and has Kevin Bacon in it. It must not have gotten a lot of advertising. I thought it was great, very emotional and cool to know what is all involved in the process and how respectful they are. Scale of Awesome says 7/10.
Last but not least here's my Voice Top 20. Well, what's left of it.
Damien - Adam - won battle – won knockout
James David Carter - Blake - won battle – won knockout
Kelli Douglas - Adam - eliminated in battles
Anita Antoinette - Gwen - won battle – won knockout
Luke Wade - Pharrell - won battle – won knockout
Toia Jones - Pharrell - stolen by Adam – lost in knockouts
Maiya Sykes - Pharrell - eliminated in battles
Joe Kirk - Adam - eliminated in battles
Jessie Pitts - Gwen - stolen by Blake – won knockout
Taylor Phelan - Pharrell - won battle – stolen by Adam
Chris Jamison - Adam - won battle – won knockout
Mia Pfirrman - Adam - won battle – won knockout
Fernanda Bosch - Blake - eliminated in battles
Beth Spangler - Adam - stolen by Gwen – eliminated in knockouts
Matt McAndrew - Adam - won battle – won knockout
Taylor John Williams - Gwen - won battle – won knockout
Katriz Trinidad - Pharrell - won battle – eliminated in knockouts
Jean Kelley - Gwen - stolen by Pharrell – won knockout
Troy Ritchie - Gwen - won battle – lost in knockouts
Taylor Brashears - Blake - won battle – won knockout
My number 1 took out numbers 2 and 6, but the rest of my top few have been dominant. Adam has the strongest team going into the live shows by far since they're all 3 or 4 chair turns. Pharrell has Luke, enough said. James has dominated for Blake and I'm liking Taylor's chances as well. Number 21 on my list would have been Craig Wayne Boyd. He got stolen by Gwen then stolen back by Blake which was cool. I'm rooting for him as well. As usual the female coach has the weakest team. I don't know what it is but every year Christina, Shakira and now Gwen just get hosed by the male coaches.
And that's all I got. Here's to another year. Catch you on the B Side.
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