101.6 fever, for real people.
Okay, so what did you miss?
Made more progress on the zombie apocalypse. (scroll down if you're lost)
Queen of the Known Universe has joined my army of misfit toys. She has volunteered to build a flamethrower.
Screw Amazon, we'll build our own using car mufflers and a welder.
Keep Calm and Flame On.
She's also graciously volunteered to be our fire department liaison. I know, such a sacrifice for someone doesn't like firefighters at all...that was sarcasm.
Have you seen her Firemen Fridays section of Facebook?
The Old New Guy said he'd man the tablesaw, and when I asked our newest staff addition - who tragically doesn't have a nickname, but I'm on it - what skills would make us want her on our team she replied she watches a lot of Survivor and she's good at assembling Ikea furniture.
So I'm putting her on the mechanical and logistics squads. She can help us plan and build an endgame.
Still gotta talk to the rest of our merry band at the work branch, I'll keep you posted.
I also continue to eat lunch with the Queen of the Known Universe in the basement facing the empty screen. It's basically like an white board but with our position it looks like we're at a theater or something.
Now we say "down in front" to anyone who walks past while we're eating. Even though there's nothing on the screen.
What else?
Life Size Game Day was a big hit. Had 10 of my TAB kids plus one of their friends come and play life size angry birds, candyland and scrabble, it was awesome.
Here are some pics of our epic layout.

Big thanks to the New Guy for his help. We got pretty into the design, as you can tell.
What else?
Went to Bubby's play. He was Moses. Got to rap, it was amusing.
They had a silent auction beforehand made up of random donations and then you bid and the profits go to the school.
Here was one of the items...

I was like, oh good god.
And then mom bid on it.
But only once and then she got beat out.
Although it would have made an interesting addition to dad's cabin decor.
I did finally see the boyfriend this weekend. That's how I got sick, cause he had it, well, has it. Interestingly enough our doctors diagnosed us with two different things. Granted mine was in a rush to get me out of there so his was probably right.
But when I saw him we watched the second Matrix...what is that one Reloaded? Right?
Scale of Awesome says 7/10. Was good but not as good as the first. Just the third one left.
And that's basically it.
I know.
But I was sick.
So I slept a lot, and then when I couldn't sleep I watched Iron Man, then Thor, then Captain America, then the Avengers.
Did I mention I was out for three days?
I skipped a few in the series (Hulk and Iron Man 2) but I really don't like the Hulk (except if they made one with Mark Ruffalo I'd probably watch it) and then I figured Iron Man 1 was good enough to get me started.
Which Hulk movie do they claim anyway? Cause there were two within a few years of each other. Edward Norton and Eric Bana.
Bana was 2003, Norton was I think 2008. Hmmm... will have to look into that.
Finally watching Anna Kendrick on SNL. Very amusing so far. I love how many of the sketches are put on in song. But it's Anna Kendrick so you have to make her sing.
And speaking of singing....on to the music.
What was that segment called? Songs You Should Know?
Or Why Don't People Know This Song?
Or something like that, you get my point.
Here are a few more of those. Give them a chance, they are wicked awesome.
16 Military Wives - Decemberists
cheer them on to their rivals...
Since You've Been Gone - Theory of a Deadman
this was my first ever music rec on this blog and it's still one of my favorite songs.
We Used To Be Friends - Dandy Warhols
*clap* *clap*
and that's all I got.
More to come later.
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