I know. Fandom's still here. Get used to it.
We're not going anywhere.
Wow. So it's been a while.
I was thinking about attempting to do a week straight of posting and then I think...how did I used to do that every day? When did I sleep?
Never, really.
Though now I'm lame and go to bed at like 11 so....that needs to change.
We'll see.
Okay, so a lot to ramble about. Guess I'll try going in reverse order.
Today = Wednesday
Day off #1. I have tomorrow off too. I know, it's weird, but I'm loving it.
Not sure what to do with myself so I went running.
You can pick up your jaws, it actually happened. I need to start being healthier cause right now I am the opposite of that even though I have lost weight from giving up pop - though that wasn't the intention it was more to see if I could actually do it - and I also got a perfect score on my blood test.
Didn't even study, rock solid man.
But yeah, the exercising thing is long overdue. On Sunday I had half an hour lunch and work and of course nothing is open (and what was I wasn't motivated to go get) so I ate in the following order: Peanut M&M’s (breakfast), Cheeze Its, and Peanut Butter Crackers (lunch), and then Regular M&M’s (afternoon snack) all from the vending machine.
Our substitute supervisor was making fun of me. I was also in zombie mode that whole weekend so that didn't help.
And speaking of substitutes, the one she's substituting for - aka BossLady - is bailing on me for another branch.
I know.
Everyone my age leaves.
First it was Fearless Leader, then it was Slim Shady, now it's Boss Lady. Next it'll be the New Guy.
Just watch.
Not fair.
But it's okay. I've still got the Queen of the Known Universe there to keep me sane for the day-to-day stuff. Plus the Queen of Awesome is around - though not physically in the building.
Plus KT is a cool cat so it'll be fine. I'm sure.
But that begs the question....who's gonna be the new supervisor?
Someone from within or outside the system....hmmm.....
Stay tuned.
Anyway, where was I?
Oh yeah, today, so went running, cleaned more of the apartment - aka did a bunch of laundry, dusted a bit, I'm putting off cleaning the kitchen. I think that's my least favorite part of cleaning. No idea why. Is that just me or do other people actually like cleaning their kitchen?
Got some groceries and that was that.
I was gonna watch the second Hobbit but I have yet to get around to it.
Plus I lack the motivation. I'm sorry, the first one was just so looooooooong!
But again, was comparing it the original trilogy, I need to think of it as its own separate entity. Then maybe I'll get through it without fast-forwarding.
Yesterday = Tuesday
Had a TAB meeting in the afternoon. We filmed the rest of Todd Sparkles (our web series) and almost caught an actual fist fight on camera. I'm telling you, it's never boring in the library.
Monday...okay so I don't remember the exact days the rest of this stuff went down but here are the highlights in reverse order.
There was Mother's Day. "Take a picture of me and my creme brulee."

Okay mom. Pretty sure that's her new favorite food. I love Bubby in that shot. I got her books on Alaska and paid for her supper. And then she got me and my brother presents cause apparently everyone else got gifts and she didn't want us to feel left out. Merry UnMother's Day. Kind of like Merry Unbirthday. I dig it. Yay socks!
As mentioned I was a total zombie this weekend cause I didn’t fall asleep until 3 one of the nights. I blame Mixology. I couldn’t sleep so I turned it on. Then I really couldn’t sleep. Yes, I know it got cancelled. Along with many others but I really didn’t watch any of the others so I’m okay with that. Except Trophy Wife. I did watch that. I love Malin Akerman. She’s da bomb.
Do people still say that? I lost all my street smarts when I became a librarian.
Perhaps I’ll pull out my skateboard and hit up the park down the road. Bond with some hooligans. Catch up on my lingo. Nothing could go wrong in that scenario, right? Hey, it's exercise!
Speaking of librarians, have I mentioned how much I love the blog Librarian Problems lately? It’s fantastically funny and completely true at the same time. Go here.
You get jewels like these:

And this:

And this:

And this:

Oh yeah, it happens.
There’s also apparently a series on Hulu called The Librarians but I have yet to check it out.
Before that....oh remember on Halloween how my car headlight kept going out and turning back on? I got pulled over twice in one night for it? Well the blinking headlight is back and ticking me off. I knew something was wrong cause it was darker on the left than it was on the right so when I got home I left it on and noticed it was out again. Natural response? I kicked it and guess what! It started working.
Take that world.
Guess violence is the right answer in some situations – though I wouldn’t recommend it. Plus I don’t know how long it will last. The boyfriend took a look and attempted to fix it but the thing about my car is that just to get access to the light you’d have to take off the bumper and we were like ehhh…we’ll do it later. Since it keeps coming back - despite my handy dandy violent tendencies - I'm getting it checked out tomorrow.
What else?
Bubby’s Confirmation - myself, Second Sister, and my brother were all his sponsors so we were pretty proud. He knew all the answers cause he’s smart like that. I was having flashbacks to me having to answer those questions. I still know most of them. I was lucky cause when I did it there were like six of us, but when Second Sister got confirmed she was the only one so she got all the questions. We joked that because of our seating order we could predict what commandment we would get and would recite it over and over until he got to us. Or maybe that was just me. Anyway, we got him a bible and all that. Well, Second Sister bought it but it was from all of us. I got him candy, a table tennis set and cheeseballs.
Cause who wouldn't want cheeseballs for their confirmation? Oh and cash too, now he can buy more cheeseballs.
Before that was Bek’s dance recital. We go every year, she’s super cute. And of course the Men in Black performed at intermission again. They’re the dads who drop their kids off at dance class. I told my brother-in-love that I was thoroughly disappointed that he hasn’t joined in yet. We would totally be in support of that. Though we’d probably also film it and post it places so perhaps that’s why he won’t do it. He’s smart like that. This year’s theme was the circus so of course that meant the inclusion of Afro Circus which meant that was stuck in my head for the rest of the night. Week. Month. It still hasn’t gone away.
If you have no idea what I’m talking about watch this.
There. Catchy, right? For the first hour maybe. Then it’s just obnoxious.
Before all that was girls night with the Queen of Awesome. I am her loyal subject. We had Indian food – it was excellent, though I took half of it home. We talked of libraries and families and of course her tiny children, then she came to jam out at my apartment and met my fat cat.
And he didn't bite her! That's new. He must really like her.
That was the same day the Camp J website went LIVE!! Which means I’ve started getting registrations online – yay for less paperwork. This year we’re actually enforcing the end date for registrations and not accepting late ones which is so much less stressful for us because we’ll know the exact number of t-shirts to order instead of having to over order just in case of late signups. I can also do accurate cabin assignments and not have to worry about switching people around at the last minute AND I can write my skits in advance instead of the Thursday night before camp (which starts Friday at noon). Which is huge for me. The theme this year is Gracebook cause God would friend you. Gonna have to incorporate that into the skits somehow. Ideas?
Did I already ramble to you about the presentation for the stakeholders? For the Strategic Plan? KT and I were tasked with putting together a presentation on innovative library services and programming. We had help with the research and then had to present it to community stakeholders. Library Board President and Vice President included.
I hate public speaking, it is probably my number one fear. Above death and creepy crawly creatures. And people who actually liked the third Mummy movie. And the oncoming zombie apocalypse. Keep calm and flame on.
Anyway KT and I presented and I faked that all was okay until the day of when Superwoman realized the amount of my fear but made me do it anyway. And she said we did good and now wants us to do more stuff. I hope that was a joke cause that's not cool.
And speaking of more stuff at work, I got assigned Food Drive duty again. Yay? No, I'm excited, it's me and KT. I'm just not looking forward to driving big pickup trucks across town and not being able to see out my rearview mirror. And turning around in parking lots. And having to lug full barrels all over town. But other than that....it'll be fine.
Any suggestions for contests? We did the sculptures and collecting loose change. I think it'd be fun to attempt to fill one of the supervisors offices with food. I'm sure that'd get nixed, but it would be something new and differetn.
That's what I got for highlights. Here are some Scale of Awesome entries for you. First up:
Mississippi Burning
That movie was wildly depressing, I can't believe that stuff actually happened. Scale of Awesome says 6/10, but I do love Gene Hackman.
Can’t Buy Me Love
Funny to see McDreamy playing a nerd. I didn't realize that Drive Me Crazy (Nick Cannon, Christina Milian) was based off that. Scale of Awesome says 8/10.
I was gonna have a full blown 80's movie marathon - have Footloose, Better off Dead, and Say Anything all checked out - but again, have yet to get to them.
Drive Me Crazy
Look familiar? Yes, didn't realize until about halfway through. Guess a lot of movies are based off that one.
Scale of Awesome 6/10. Not as good, but it had its moments.
I feel like there's more but I'm totally blanking. I'll add them later.
On to the music.
Begin Again – Taylor Swift
I know some people don't like her but I do. And I'm now officially in love with this song.
Paperback Writer - Beatles
oh...have I mentioned we got Paul McCartney tickets? Um yeah. Once in a lifetime thing that he's coming here and the boyfriend and I are huge Beatles fans so we went for it. I'm stoked. Debating what my favorite song of theirs is. It's like Sophie's Choice. Cause I like this one, Hey Jude obviously, Can't Buy Me Love, Love Me Do, Eight Days a Week, Hello Goodbye...there are too many good ones to decide.
Gonna have to brush up on my Wings music cause I'm pretty sure the only one that I know know is...
Live or Let Die
Looks pretty fun live, gonna be excellent.
And that's all I got. More adventures will follow I'm sure.
oh, for those of you still wondering about the title, stories could be written about the items in our lost and found. i'll leave it at that.
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