I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Sunday, January 12, 2014

"It's the story of how George Clooney would rather float away into space and die than spend one more minute with a woman his own age."


Slept in. It was glorious. Then dinner with the parents, stopped by to see Grams, and unpacked the rest of my Christmas presents that Mom and Dad brought up.

After that it was all hockey. The boyfriend and I are on a roll. Every game we've gone to they've won in super close matches. Last night we played Fargo, won in a shootout, it was awesome. We were down to 3 players plus goalie in overtime when they were full force, I was crazy nervous. The game was great, except for the group of kids sitting next to us slamming chairs and screaming repeatedly. The mother was doing nothing to stop it. My thing is, if you're going to take a kid to a game then they should be old enough to understand it. Unless you're teaching them the game, like my brother takes my nephew to football games. That counts too. These kids had no interest in the game whatsoever and it was super obnoxious. But thankfully, we won so that cancelled it all out.

Oh and some guy proposed. Right after his girlfriend won a gift certificate to Super Saver. Though she seemed more excited about the gift certificate than the ring. There was no cheering at all, they just walked off afterward. Poor guy, I thought it was romantic.

This morning was church, went out to eat with Oldest Sister and Bubby, then we came back and were lazy with the Globes and Olympic prep. I'm so excited for February, I'm such a nerd.

Notes from the Globes

Things I liked:
-Tina and Amy rocked it. I wish they would have been on stage even more. Their opening monologue was definitely my favorite part.

"Because this is Hollywood and if something kind of works then they'll just keep doing it until everyone hates it."

"Explosion at the Wig Factory" = alternate title for American Hustle

"It's the story of how George Clooney would rather float away into space and die than spend one more minute with a woman his own age."

"He lost 45 pounds, or what actresses call being in a movie."

"You may know Andy from his hit song I'm on a Boat which this year was adapted into the Tom Hanks' film Captain Phillips."

They had some great shoutouts. Poor Tam Honks. He just looked so confused every time he was on screen.

And Matt Damon. "It's me the Garbage Man." But they handled it very well.

Also, Randy. "Do you want to go live with your father?!" "I can't you won't tell me who it is!" Oh my god, I love Amy and Tiny's impressions, especially when she's on stage with Kyra Sedgwick and Kevin Bacon. "Her mother is the Closer!" Sosie looks a bit different than she did on The Closer.

-Julia Louis-Dreyfus switching sides mid-way through the show...and Reese Witherspoon's selfie cameo, that was great.

-J-Law made for a great start with best supporting actress - brutally honest as always. "I actually did watch all the movies that year - not all of them, but you know what I mean."

-Robert Downey Jr's speech. "Let's see how this plays out for me."

He was just one of the many Avengers that presented, also on stage were Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, and Mark Ruffalo. And I'm sure Scarlett was in the audience since Her was up for so many awards.

-Drunken Emma Thompson.

Snape tweeted "Is Professor Trelawney drunk?!" Loved it. He also commented on Emma Watson on stage. "10 Points for Gryffindor."

-Melissa McCarthy as Matt Damon. or Melissa McCarthy as anyone really.

-Michael Douglas to actual Matt Damon: "The only reason you're not here is I had more sequins."

-Alfonso Cuaron: "Thank you for not quitting when I said Sandra I'm going to give you herpes, when I really meant Sandra I'm going to give you an earpiece."

-Drew's "sh, I get sent out wrong, I'm sorry." Love that she got to announce best picture. Awesomeness.

-Cate Blanchett's speech was probably my favorite of all the acceptance speeches.

stick with it 'til the end.

-Matthew McConaughey 's "alright, alright, alright." I'd expect nothing less.

-Steve McQueen calling Sarah Paulson the Bette Davis of America.

Things I didn't like:
-What the hell was up with Jacqueline Bisset? It took 20 minutes for her to get to the stage and then another 30 for her to get off of it. Goes to show that even if you don't think you'll win you should still definitely write a speech. Good god, that was horrible.

-Shut up P-Diddy. No one wants to hear you talk in the background.

-Who would have thought that Bono would win a Golden Globe? Again?

-Brooklyn 99 beating out Big Bang Theory twice. Actor and Series. Really? I tried one episode and couldn't finish it. It was cute that it was Seth that announced it though. Go SNL.

-I get that you're stubborn, but Woody Allen, if they're giving you a lifetime achievement award like that one you should probably show up to give some sort of a speech. Diane was great though.

and that's all I got so on to the music.

Kickstart My Heart - Motley Crue

just one of many from the game last night. i love it.

and i'm out. legit pre-midnight. holy crap tag in use.

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