I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Why don't you ever just call me and say "I'm going to be running around today and while I'm out I might be ruining your life."

Post #1006

Watching The Closer.

Season one.

Looks like love.

I love that I brought that back in the finale.

Along with her purse and all that candy.

I miss this show. Thankfully Major Crimes has a very similar feel, and most of the major characters.

Minus Chief Johnson of course.

and Gabriel.

and Pope.

I wonder if they'll bring them back for the trial?

That seems to never ever happen...

Maybe next season.

Today was good.

Bit of a roller coaster, we were swamped at times and dead at others.

I did get all my supplies up on the shelves I hung with the aide yesterday. Huzzah. And added all the stuff from the workroom cabinet. So now the cabinet is just filled with stuff specific to that room.

I know it sounds boring to you but it was very exciting to me. Especially cause I got to get rid of a bunch of stuff.

And when I say "get rid of" that actually means took them upstairs to the Supplies Queen to be redistributed.

The ladies on three were very excited to go through the stuff.

There's only one guy on the floor, and he was less than enthused. Or busy. Probably busy.

I just realized he's the only guy up there now cause the other one, our previous AD, left for Wisconsin like years ago.


Where was I?

Right, supplies, cleaning was fun.

And speaking of rearranging our upstairs desk arrangement is completely changed as well.

Not my doing.

I'm not a fan of change.

Or haven't you noticed?

I guess we'll get used to it.

And that was my day.

I'm zonked, gonna crash...after watching more of the Closer that is.

This is a crime scene ya'll.


Anything You Can Do - Tallulah Bankhead and Marlene Dietrich

Joan Crawford vs. Bette Davis as sung by one of my favorites and her "rival". Step aside buster.

legit pre-midnight, holy crap tag in use.

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