I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Affirmative. I poked one. It was dead.

Big day today.

So I made my resolutions yesterday and I realized that it's basically the same stuff as always - minus the flossing thing.

In light of this realization I've decided to kick things up a notch.

I said I was going to live healthier, I'm going to start by giving up pop.

If you know me at all either your jaw dropped or you can now stop laughing.

I'm slightly obsessed with carbonated beverages, but that's the point, they're bad for you and it would be wise to stop drinking them so often.

So, I'm going to try to go a year without drinking pop.

Which means I need a substitute.

Today I tried vitamin water - it was nasty, but that could have been just the flavor I attempted.

I got some good ideas from people, but what about you? Any ideas for substitution?

Is sparkling water bad for you?

Anyway, I'm gonna start small with the no more pop thing - okay, so it's not really small but we're gonna see how long it lasts - and then work my way up to going to the fitness center twice a week and all that.

Today was big for other reasons as well, it's the boyfriend and my two year anniversary.

I know, right?

And don't even try to hide it. I know those of you who made it to my grad party came only to make sure he wasn't a figment of my imagination.

Originally we were supposed to do something family related, but after realizing that wasn't romantic we skipped out on that and went out to dinner by ourselves instead.

I dared him into eating a jalapeno. I'm pretty sure he's puking it up at this very instant.

I would be.

After realizing his pop was not stopping the pain he drank half my tea cause it was more helpful.

See, tea, better for you than pop in more ways than one.

But he had to work tonight so he headed out after dinner and I stayed in and watched Miss Congeniality 2.

Huzzah for Interlibrary Loans.

Scale of Awesome says 6.5/10. Not as good as the first one, but entertaining nonetheless.

If you haven't seen the movie watch this clip and call it good.

Well that and the return of that redhead from Charmed, Red, and god knows what else she's guest starred in.

I forgot she even has her on tag on here but I can never remember her name.

She'll always be Natalie to me.

And that's all I got.

Song of the day plus more of my favorites from 2013:

Humans are Dead (live) - Flight of the Conchords

posted the episode version of this a while ago, but just found this one and love it.

binary solo still gets me.

more from 2013:

Roar - Katy Perry

similar to Sara's "Brave" but good nonetheless.

Blurred Lines - Robin Thicke feat. Pharrell and TI

i hate that i like this song cause i really don't like him. plus this video is just weird, the only reason i put up with it is pharrell's dance moves.

and i'm out.

have a good weekend.

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