Today rocked.
I feel so clean.
Even after a hockey game.
Woke up semi-early, which to me is 9, and spent the whole day cleaning.
Well, most of it.
I swept, I vacuumed, and I CLEANED OUT MY CLOSET.
For serious.
4 bags full of clothes for Goodwill.
That's how long it's been since I cleaned it out.
Plus I organized the shelves and got rid of a bunch of boxes so now it's not only clean, but also organized and I have room for more stuff.
Which apparently is a girl thing, we can never have too much stuff in our closets.
After all that fun the boyfriend and I hit up the hockey game where we dominated Des Moines 7-4. It was awesome, if we score 5 points everyone gets free milk from one of the grocery stores here in town, you just have to show them your ticket. Anyway, we had 4 points and all the sudden the crowd starts yelling "We want milk!" and I swear, mid chant we stole the puck and scored.
The crowd went nuts.
Oh and they fired our head coach. We have a new general manager and that was the first thing he did. Granted we aren't doing so well this season so I'm kind of glad. Our Assistant Coach rocked it tonight.

And as awesome as tonight's game was, it still wasn't as awesome as last week's game. We played Team USA Juniors. They were up 1-4 at the end of the first period. I scored first and then they got 4 straight so we were like crap, this is gonna suck. Then we came back and scored 6 straight.
6 straight.
And also won it 7-4.
It was awesome.
Tomorrow is another game - my last of the season cause the next one I have Bubby's play instead.
It's sad that it's over already.
I'm thinking about getting them again next year. Just have to email the guy and ask about parking passes, cause that got expensive.
Anyway, what else have you missed.
Work is good. Tomorrow for TAB we're having a Murder Mystery party. Which was awesome cause I found a good one and I had it all cast and then a bunch of other teens RSVP'd so I had to write in new characters.
Which I hope don't totally suck.
The only problem with this one is that it doesn't have a master script, just like accusations and rebuttals so I don't know when I should be prompting people or who I should be prompting or if I should be prompting...
I just hope they don't think it's lame.
Remember the web series we were working on? Did I ramble about that yet? Some idiot (me) decided it would be fun for our TAB to film a web series to promote the library and its events. Which SOUNDS like a good idea, until you have to actually film it with a bunch of teens.
I thought we'd be done after one meeting, we're going on three and still have seven scenes left to film.
We may do a bit more tomorrow if the Murder Mystery thing finishes early.
What else?
The boyfriend and I are good, I already rambled about Vegas...I did say he wants to go ring shopping right?
Which he told me at a hockey game and I attempted not to like jump for joy or pass out or ask him to repeat himself cause I clearly didn't hear him correctly...anyway, I'm excited.
Apparently everyone and their dog thought he was going to ask in Vegas.
Not me.
But everyone else.
He says he'd rather do something local instead. Fine with me. As long as it happens. Sooner rather than later.
What else?
OH so remember when I was reading Silver Linings Playbook and I turned into a total nerd and read like a paragraph a day so it would never be over?
Found another one of those books, but said screw it and had to finish it early.
It's called Attachments and it's by Rainbow Rowell.
Yes, that is her real name, her parents were hippies.
And she's Nebraskan - from Omaha - so it's set in Omaha.
It's basically this guy works IT at a newspaper and his job is to flag people for inappropriate computer use - gambling, personal emails, all that - and he runs across this series of personal emails between these two women and he gets caught up so he doesn't flag them. Then one of them mentions this cute guy at work and it turns out to be him so he hits up the gym, etc. etc. Anyway, it's fantastic. 9/10 on the Scale of Awesome, I loved loved loved it.
Mostly because the main female character is me.
No, you have no idea. I'm convinced that the woman followed me around and took notes because she says stuff that I've said and she acts like I do in situations and then the guy is so similar to the boyfriend, it just seriously freaked me out.
Queen of the Known Universe said it must be the Twilight Zone.
So, what do I do? I tweet the author about on Twitter and she favorites it.
Take that world.
Although not so much #Nebrasketball pride, that game was brutal, we got hosed.
For those of you who aren't aware our men's basketball team made it to March Madness for the first time since like 1998.
If we would have won today we could have played Creighton next.
That would have been awesome as they are kind of the in-state rivalry.
Oh well, I think our women have a fighting chance, but they're always good.
Hmmm...I'm thinking.
I don't usually have to think when I post it just comes out.
It's been a while so I don't know what I'm missing...
Oh, The Voice is back on. Scroll down and you'll see my Top 20. So far so good in the battles. I think all of mine are still alive. No, wait, my number 5 - Brothers Walker - is out. And Paula Deanda. She was good but Blake put her against Sisaundra and anyone against her is doomed.
Alright, on to the music. A new one and an old one.
Love Me Again- John Newman
his hair style is weird but his voice is solid. love this one. why is the chick wearing gloves? wait a minute, what just happened?! did he actually end it that way?! that's just mean.
Tomorrow Never Comes - Teddy Geiger
yes i'm aware it was a horrible movie, but the soundtrack is excellent, look into it.
you spin in circles around the sun, but tomorrow never comes.
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