After I drug him all over that place last time we went cause I'm obsessed with ancient Egypt?
We went and it was awesome.
::"Move your little Versa!" "Oh my god would you people just drive."
- Okay, so my boyfriend rarely drives the speed limit. When I say that you assume that means he drives like a crazy person, no, he drives 10 UNDER the speed limit. It's a gas mileage thing, I don't know. However, when he's forced to drive the speed limit cause we're running behind his road rage is hysterical. Excellent way to start off a trip.
::Some planes, no trains, few automobiles
-The first flight was from Omaha to Denver and it was fine, the second flight out of Denver to Vegas was a completely different story. While in the airport I heard this kid screaming and jokingly said something like, "they're gonna be right next to us" and was horrified when I was right. Not only were they close by, they were directly behind us and the screaming kid was bouncing on the tray table the whole ride. Pretty sure the dad heard a few expletives throughout the trip.
-So, I learned the best way to fly is to not check your bags because once the flight lands you're free and you don't have to wait for anything. This was beneficial because we landed at six and were going to a concert at seven. Turns out, the doors only opened at seven so even though we landed at six, ran to get a cab at 6:15, arrived at the hotel at 6:30, checked in at 6:45 and made it to the House of Blues by 7 we still had to stand in line for half an hour, and the concert didn't start for another hour after that. All that freaking out about us being late and missing stuff and it was all for nothing.
-The concert - once it got started - was awesome. But as mentioned, the line to get into it was huge, almost around the entire outside of the inner hotel. Fortunately we met a nice local who advised us on what to do and what to avoid. They sang some awesome stuff, but my favorite was their cover of Lorde's Royals, scroll, down, it's fantastic.

::Hoover Dam
-Originally we were supposed to go on a hot air balloon ride that morning, however it was cancelled that day (and the next because of weather, meaning we're going back in the fall to redeem our tickets) so instead we decided to rent a car and go out to the Hoover Dam. It was awesome, we had the best tour guide who had actually taken men who helped build the dam on a tour so he had a bunch of anecdotes from them as well. And of course, there were the dam jokes. "Did they tell you about the camera policy?" "No." "That's cause we don't have one, take all the dam pictures you want!" Hilarious. After touring the dam we walked all over - I drank some dam water out the fountain - and took a ton of pictures.

-Apparently when driving a rental car this is the appropriate way to park.

Or not. Smooth. But at least we didn't get door dinged. We stopped by cause he needed swimming trunks. While we were there we picked up some snacks - bugels, beer, flavored water, chips and salsa - and then headed back to the hotel.
::Hot Tub
-Did I mention how awesome our room was?

It even had a hot tub. Which was perfect after spending all afternoon walking all over the damn dam. After jamming out in there for a while he konked out on the bed. It was humorous cause it was like 9 and he was dead. But as mentioned, he hadn't exactly gotten a lot of sleep that week.
-So, when you're in Vegas, hit up a buffet. They are fantastic. This one wasn't as fantastic as the Wynn buffet - holy crap, read last time's post - but it had a ton of food and I could only eat like half of my plate.
::Walking through the desert in the rain
-Of course the day we decide to walk the strip it rains. In the middle of the desert. But it was okay, we just toured a bunch of the buildings to avoid the major pouring. Although so them pouring is like sprinkling in Nebraska. While we were touring we ran across Big Elvis - he was in fact very big and dressed like Elvis so it was a fitting name - and I drug him in circles around Caesar's just to find this massive mythology fountain.

We also hit up the M&M's factory, and the Coke store. Have you been in that M&M's place? It's crazy!

Those are all M&M's in those tubes.
::More Hot Tub
-You can never spend too much time in a hot tub. Well, I guess, once you get all wrinkly then it feels weird, but we decided once we get a house we're getting a hot tub. Okay, I decided, but I'm sure he would support that.
::The Mix
-As part of going to Vegas I wanted him to take me out somewhere fancy. Packed a skirt and everything. Before Vegas he even went shopping to get new clothes - tie included. He picked the Mix which is one of the top 5 restaurants in Vegas (inside the Mandalay Bay hotel). The scenery was incredible,

view included:

I had chicken, he had cod, we agreed it was the best food we've ever eaten. My only complaint was that it was packed super tight in there so we were literally less than a foot away from the people sitting next to us.
-After dinner we headed back to the hotel and I crashed because we had an early flight in the morning. He konked out in the hot tub - again, would totally have support in getting one. I turned on Zombieland and made it through like five minutes before I was out. Aside from Zombieland we watched a ton of Castle. It was on during the plane ride out there, then that night after the concert, then the next day when we were in the hot tub, and now the boyfriend is hooked. Or I claim he is anyway. The last one we watched there ended in a cliffhanger - they were stuck in the freezer - so when we got back I put in my DVD and we watched the next episode.
::4AM wakeup
-Flying out earlier in the morning is cheaper, but it sure isn't as fun, however, neither flight involved screaming or jumping children in my vicinity so I was okay with it.
-As soon as we got back we stopped at Amigos for food, he picked up this model train he was waiting on, and then we just slept the rest of the day. Very relaxing.
So that was Vegas take two. Hopefully take three will happen some time this fall cause hot air ballooning sounds awesome. Lots of fun, though it was nice to be back and not have to put on makeup every morning...
Song of the Trip:
Royals - Pentatonix
awesome harmonies
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