Trivia Night 2013 - Public Transportation is Sexy
So tonight was trivia night and we dominated.
Sort of.
Okay, not really.
Last year we went as That 70's Show.

This year we went as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Yes, that is the King of Useless Knowledge as Snow White.
The only problem...we weren't the only ones.

King of Useless Knowledge: "I hate it when I show up to a party and someone else is wearing the same dress."
I liked our costumes better, but theirs were good too. He did have boobs, brother-in-law said he was feeling a bit inadequate when it came to that.
Around the middle of the night they do this thing for a Spirit Award where they have the tables that are dressed up do a cheer thing. Since they did the Heigh Ho song and danced in a circle we each lifted up our adult beverage and just yelled out Heigh Ho! Got more applause.
We didn't win, but we weren't really aiming for that. Actually that went to a table dressed up as nuns and priests who sang the refrain of:
Yes, we voted for them. Though our second choice was the table with the guy dressed up as the Oldest Man from Carol Burnett. It was fantastic.
Next year's is still up for debate. Some options are: washed up child celebrities or famous couples where we dress up as the opposite gender.
Anyway, I think we ended up with like 73 out of 100 which is better than last year's score - barely - but the questions this year were just weird.
The categories were:
1. And the winner is... - I'm proud to say I dominated in this one cause it was all about award shows and you know how I feel about award shows
2. Westward Ho! - was all about geography, we did okay...
3. Follow the Leader - was about important people in history
4. Prophets, Priests and Kings - what's funny is that it's the same thing every year, the paper gets handed to me and Oldest Sister. we got hosed on this one though to be fair the questions were things pastors would get right but not your average patron.
5. The Good Life - was Nebraska trivia
6. Grocery Day - was like brand trivia which was ironic because I had just talked to the professor that made us read Branded in college and she was saying how much everyone hated that book. don't read it, it'll make you over-analyze any bit of product placement possible.
7. Behold the Wonder - was about landmarks
8. Horseplay - was about horses. and we were like, okay?
9. ...and Sons - was about famous father and sons
10. Anything Else - was a miscellaneous one that ranged from the Three Stooges to more history stuff
So we had fun, but the questions could have been better. It's like my brother said, we had the right answers, they just weren't asking the questions to match them.
Alright, song of the day and I'm out.
Better Things To Do - Terri Clark
classic and i totally jammed out on the way home.
legit pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
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